chapter 53: until we meet again

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While Vanessa was looking up into the sky, the queen of witches was still looking down at the ground still feeling the shock of losing, "How could this have happened," she thought before a memory from long ago flashed through her mind.


She was sitting in room surrounded by flowers when Vanessa, when she was a little girl walked into the room carrying something in her hands, "Look your majesty I made a doll out of my magic," she said revealing the thing she was holding was doll a made out of the strings that looked like a witch.

"I see, that's very impressive Vanessa," the queen said smiling while the younger Vanessa smiled.

"Some day Im going to use my magic to make people happy," she said.

"Yes I'm surely you will,".

Flashback end

"It appears somewhere along the way I forgot something important," she thought before looking up at Vanessa and the red cat resting on her right shoulder, "Even though she was imperfect after leaving she found the emotion to make that power," she thought as she stood back up which surprised Vanessa as she now looked calm.

"An emotion she never would have gained if she had stayed here with me, with that emotion she was able to become perfect," she thought, "Very well, I accept my defeat," she said before she spread her arms out.

"Hex removing cocoon," she said as a dark red energy starred to spread out around her covering everyone. Noelle was staring at it surprised as she was holding Asta in her arms who was unconscious and his transformation was now gone.

The magic went further past the area covering the entire forest and everyone in it. The people in the queen of witches area were floating in the air.

"Whats happening," said Fanzell as everyone's injury's began to heal from the queens magic.

After the spell had finished it's work, everyone fell to the ground as those who were unconscious began to wake up which included Ladros, "Whoa what happened," said Asta sitting up quickly before being hugged by Noelle.

"You really gotta stop making me feel worried," she said sound annoyed but Asta smiled as he hugged his girlfriend back looking relieved.

Finral got up from the ground as he watched the queen of witches began to walk towards the forest, "She was able to use that spell at that size, she must be really powerful," he thought as Asta and Noelle walked over to Vanessa.

"You really did it," Noelle said looking at Vanessa who just smiled and nodded her head. Noelle then started to cry tears of joy before she hugged her senior squad mate , "Thank you so much for saving us," she said.

"No it wasn't just me," said Vanessa as Noelle looked up at her looking confused, "Its thanks to everyone here, my friends who gave me the strength so I could use this power" she said before looking at everyone gathered in front of her, "Thank you,".

"Looks like its really over now," said Fanzell smiling and somehow his shirt had come off but that didn't stop Domina from hugging him as she smiled looking relieved.

"What happened to your shirt?" Mariella asked looking at her teacher while Domina walked over to Mars and Fana.

"Well I haven't seen you two in a long time, its good to see you," she said smiling.

"Yes it is," said Mars smiling before Domina noticed he was holding Fanas hand, "Oh I see, way to go little tiger," she said while Mars looked embarrassed.

"Yeah way to go," said Ladros smiling as he gave two thumbs up.

"Hey all my pains gone," said Asta as he started doing squats and pushes up, "Its like my injuries were never even there," he said still doing his work out.

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