Chapter 5

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"Esha where were....Who is he?"
I knew mom would be waiting for me and her worrisome face said it all. 

"Mom he..he is my bo.. Boss" i said leaving his hand and asking my mom's support.

"Sorry Ma'am, we had a situation so I requested her to let me drop her, It would not be safe at this hour" he said.

"aah.. No no Mr....? " mom raise her brow and gesture me to tell his name I open my mouth but he was quick

"Sami.. Sami Ishaq" he said
"Yeah Mr. Ishaq.. Esha told me about you, thank you for this favor I was really worried for Esha" mom side hugged me.

"mom, at least invite him in?" i whisper in her ear and she gesture me 'oh'

"Please come in Mr. Sami" mom stepped aside.

"uuum.. Sorry maybe some other day actually mom might be looking forward for me, she already called me several times now I have to go Inn Sha Allah next time" he said smiling and turn.

Mom went in and i was about to close the door but stopped, 
"Yes Mr. Ishaq" i raise my one eyebrow
"Get well soon" he gave a short smile. 

Next morning I woke up fresh because it was weekend. I descend and found my two cute little siblings playing. I wonder how much energy they have to play all the time.

"Api I'm hungry please make some sandwiches for me and Shiba??" Saad said with puppy dog eyes.

"Ook boss in just 10 minutes" i said and pass a salute.
I went to the kitchen and made sandwiches for everyone I place them on the dinning table and wnet up to wake mom. She never slept for that long today she must not be feeling well. Actually ever since my job I paid less attention to house and everyone. Last week I forgot to bring mom's medicine and then  she brought it herself. 

"Saad? Alisbha? Your meal is on the table, wash your hands and wait for everyone to join ok?"

I knock mom's room door but no response, I knocked several time but couldnt hear her voice also the door knob was locked. This never happed that mom would have locked her door.

I ran to the kitchen and took out room spare key from one of drawer.

I ran up and opened the door and my whole body twitched at the sight of the room. 

Saad and Alishba ran listening to my screams. 

"Mom?" they walked towards mom and shook her but she didn't move a bit.

My mom had seizure and she must had got attack.

She was lying helplessly on floor and her body explained it all that she was trying to open the door.

My world faded I was finished the only support of mine. The reason of life was lying on floor soullessly.

I walk closer to mom and shut her eyes.

"Saad bring my phone its on my bed hurry up" i said calmly not wanting to create panic "Shiba bring some water from kitchen" i said to Alishba she stood and turned I grab her from hand "carefully" i said she nodded looking at mom with watery eyes and went just then Saad handed me phone

"Go check on Shiba" i said to Saad and he left I quickly dialed ambulance number and took mom to the hospital, I was sure mom was no more but I don't know why I called ambulance maybe there was some light of hope in me.

Soon ambulance was arrived and i went to hospital along with Saad and Alishba because i can't leave them all alone at house. 

Mom was taken to emergency room and Dr checked her and only after 10 minutes Dr came out.

Sweet Connection (Completed) *Major Editing*Where stories live. Discover now