"First debate hun" Xabs said as she kissed Willis on the cheek and straightened his tie.
"Thanks" Willis said. "I'm very nervous. I wish Hallia were here in case something went south."
"You have me" a guy said as he straightened his own tie. "Granted I'm powerless now thanks to whatever The Dark One did to the moon but at lest I can be of some use as your running mate."
"Glad to have you with us, Jason" Willis said with a soft smile. "Your support and point of view as a de-powered Maful could be critical in turning public opinion."
As Hallia entered the auditorium she looked up to the stage and saw a glimpse of Xabs. Her heart stopped momentarily as she came to the realization of how much she missed her. She started talking on a cellphone and Hallia noticed a wedding ring on her finger. She wasn't surprised as when she last saw her she was recently engaged to Willis.
The lights in the auditorium dimmed as Hallia sat down between some folks in an empty seat. A moderator stepped onto the stage and spoke into a microphone.
"The first Presidential Debate of the 2028 Election is about to start. Please welcome Jonas MacDonald and William Thomas Thegol Jr."
Willis and another, rather stern looking, man walked onto the stage and shook hands before walking to their respective podiums.
"You have nienty seconds for your opening statments" The moderator announced. "Senetor MacDonald, you're first."
"The Past Two Years have marked a signifigant change to the world as we know it. Magic is real, and those who weild it are dangerous. We need a system of accountability and security. That is what I seek when I take the oath of office."
"Special Agent Thegol, you have the floor."
"The Manhatten Incident changed everything- I'm not going to dispute that. However we need to work together as a scociety to build a new era of humanity. The Magful and Maglis have lived apart for two millenia but now there is no stopping what is happenning. We must live together as one people."
"Senetor MacDonald you have the floor."
MacDonald straigtened his tie before speaking. "The magful weild unimaginable power. The Manhatten Incident was the result of one magful. Just over nienty one thousand casualties because of one individual. An individual who is still at large- waiting to make her next move. What do you have to say about that, Thegol?"
"I was there fighting against her- acompanied by three magful, one of whom gave his life to massively reduce the casualty count that night. Another the very daughter of the terrorist in question trying everything she could to stop Halatia from what she was doing. Hallia Croz, a magful, is easily our greatest asset against Halatia. We need to work with the magful! It is also worth noting that Halatia was movtivated by hate and fear of the maglis, if we do what the Senetor is suggesting and register them all, taking away fundemental freedoms then we have justified Halatia's hate for us!"
The crowd murmered amoungst themselves as he finished. Hallia feeling a bit red in the face from hearing Willis talk about her unaware she was in the same room as him.
"About this Hallia Croz" tthe Senetor began. "Where has she been the past two years? You say she is our greatest asset but how can we utilize an asset that we can't reach? Are we supposed to blindly trust this girl to show up when we need her? Honestly you surprise me Thegol... You're an avid supporter of gun control but these magful can be much more dangerous than any gun. Isn't that hypocritical?"
"Guns are not people. If someone poses a threat they are monitered. The Magical Anti-terrorist Global Enforcement exsits soley for the purpose of discovering and monitering threats. Our job would be consideribly harder if we were to make a move that would force all of the magful to distrust and fear us. You need to understand that anyone is capable of great good or great evil- regardless of whether or not they have magic. Years ago a man known as Travis Welk launched a nuclear missile at the city of Los Angeles. He was a maglis- he used technology. The missile was defused by the efforts of a magful who was working with the M.A.G.E.- an orginaztion dedicated to fighting terrorism from the magful being managed and operated by an amazing team of magful. We also have examples like the Masked Pixie- putting her life on the line to save everyday people by putting herself in the line of fire... Litterally! As for Hallia, she's been honing her abilities in an effort to stop her own mother when she inevitably shows up again. I have complete faith in her- I would trust her with my own life."
MacDonald gave a hollow laugh. "The Masked Pixie is a vigilante. Are you telling me that she isn't considered a threat? Are you telling me that you have made no efforts to learn who is behind the mask?"
"I have made no efforts because I already know who she is" Willis said, shrugging it off. "I've worked with the woman in question for years and I have never in my life met someone so genuienly caring. If I'm being honest she helped inspire me a bit to do this. She made me realize that sometimes you need to throw yourself into the middle of a fight to stop it- no matter the personal cost. I can easily say I've never met anyone whith a stronger sense of morality."
"How can you be so sure who's behind the mask?" MacDonald pressed on. "How can you be sure it is who you think it is."
"Her wings" Willis replied. "There's only one person on earth with wings like hers. She knows that anyone could determine who she is behind the mask with even the smallest amount of research. Honestly I think she only wears it because she is a bit of a nerd- if you knew her you'd understand."
An hour later the debate had ended and people made their way out as Hallia went to the stage. She saw Willis and Xabs talking.
"That was a wonderful debate" She said to Willis.
Willis turned around and saw Hallia climbing onto the stage before he ran to her and pulled her up and into a big hug. Xabs walked over and joined in on the hug as well.
"It's good to have you back" Xabs said.
"Thanks" Hallia replied, wiping a tear from her eye. "I've missed you both so much. I'm glad to be home."

E.N.D. (Celestia Chronicles 10/ M.A.G.E. Arc Book 3)
FantasiaHallia is back! After two years away spent training Hallia returns home admist an important Presidential Election. Willis Thegol seeks to bring the magful and maglis back together now that the world of magic has been exposed. United Nation council m...