Chapter 4: The Oklahoma City Decimation

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"They're seriously calling it that already?!"

Harvey looked at the headline of the newspaper brought to him by Zefor.


"Pressure from the United Nations is building as well" Zefor explained. "I'd say we're one more bit of bad PR away from a massive tribunal into my ability to manage the agency."

"How do you think that will affect the plan" Harvey asked, his face incredibly worried.

"My biggest concern about the plan right now is doing my part" Zefor explained. "Everything amounts to nothing if I can't-"


Zefor turned around to see that Harvey had just noticed Hallia walk onto the site of their investigation.

"It's been so long" Zefor said. "When did you get back?"

"Yesterday" Hallia explained. "My first stop was the debate- I was planning on showing up to the Office in Manhatten this morning but after hearing the news I figured you would be here."

Hallia looked around.

"Where's Jeffrey and Tanya?"

"Tanya's still away" Harvey explained, his mood suddenly shifted to a less upbeat one. "I haven't seen her in two years."

"Jeffrey went to bring her back" Zefor explained. "We need all hands now that your mom has finally shown up again- I don't understand why she would attack a random warehouse in Oklahoma City though...."

Hallia noticed something on the ground... "Um... do we know where Jeffrey went to find her?"

Harvey and Zefor looked at her confused as Hallia picked something off the ground. It appeared to be a giant dragonfly wing- after a moment they realized it was actually one of Tanya's wings.

"Get me that camera feed now" Zefor demanded.

Harvey continued to work on the tablet until they finally got an image of what looked like the Dark One and Halatia talking.

"Do we have audio" Zefor asked.

"It's badly damaged" Harvey said, "It's cutting in and out."

"I- ...... elp" Halatia said on the video feed. "Powers ........ King. Something went wrong."

"No-.... -an entire city"

The audio cut out again. Harvey pulled up a second feed to show Tanya in another hallway sneaking in.

"She must have sensed his aura" Hallia said. "I've never been close to he guy but his aura can be felt from a distance. I noticed it two years ago during the Manhattan Incident- despite him being stories higher in the same building I fould feel his unique presence. It's funny, Zefor, your body gives off an aura like a stale off brand version of him now that I've felt it."

"Not that surprising when you consider that-"

"Hey look" Harvey cut off.

They noticed Halatia smile as the Dark One ducked in front of Tanya- but right before the feed cut they noticed Halatia grab her head in pain.

"Did.... Did the Dark One Protect Tanya" Harvey asked.

"The Dark One has a certain code of honor- the guy's a monster but he has values that he doesn't cross and that much I can respect. I can understand his refusal to Help Halatia after she tried to kill an entire city. He always insisted that the innocents are off limits."

"But why save Tanya?"

"Why not? He only hurts those who gets in his way- the way I see it right now Tanya is probably worth more to him alive then dead. If that is the case then she'll be fine. Trust me- I've spent enough time fused to the Dark One to know he won't do something like that and then just let her die."

"If you say so" Harvey said. He then took note of Hallia. "What is it?"

"My mom... she's just like I used to be..."

"What do you mean?"

"Her power- it's too much for her!"

"Then this is huge" Zefor said.

"I still want to know what happened to my wife" Harvey said.

E.N.D.  (Celestia Chronicles 10/ M.A.G.E. Arc Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now