Chapter Seventeen- The Fan Girl Terror

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Chapter Seventeen- The Fan Girl Terror

“I still don’t get why you wouldn’t want to have lunch with Edmund alone,” Danielle commented as the Quartess stood outside the cafeteria, waiting for Edmund. I had convinced them to join me for lunch with him. “His fan girls would kill to have an opportunity like that.”

“That’s the point.” I deadpanned. “There would be this gargantuan scandal if I went with him alone. And I would be butchered. The fan girls haven’t quite forgiven me for dancing with the Quartet at the Winter Ball.”

“Well, it’s very smart of you to choose lunch date after the peak period then,” Kat said as she watched the cafeteria empty while the hallway filled with students rushing to their classes. I wisely ignored her jib and scanned the area for Edmund. It shouldn’t be too difficult to spot him.

Sure enough, a gaggle of fan girls scampered down the staircase, squealing at the top of their voices to signal his arrival. Jeez. Talk about dramatic entrances. Next, the fan girls proceeded to encircle him until I could barely make out his distinct reddish brown hair. Rabid fanatics. Mademoiselle should make a law against this kind of unladylike behaviour.

It was quite some time before I deemed it safe to approach him. Even then, quite a few death glares were being sent my way.

“Hey,” I greeted Edmund. “You wouldn’t mind if I brought my friends with me, would you?” I motioned towards the Quartess.

“It’s fine,” he replied. “It’ll be good to catch up anyway.”

I turned to look at him, curious. “We were all in the same homeroom once,” Edmund explained.

“Yep,” Alice chimed in as Edmund and I approached. The five of us then made our way to the cafeteria and joined the short queue for food.

“Kat and I were in the same homeroom as the Quartet for Grade One and Two. I remained in their homeroom for the next two years but Kat was in the other class. We switched again in Grade Five. Come to think of it, we’ve been classmates with practically everyone right, Kat?” Alice chattered on, easing the awkwardness that always exists at the beginning of any meeting.

Meanwhile, I was distracted by the arrival of the fan girls who had ambushed Edmund in the hallway. I was quite sure I has seen them eating lunch barely fifteen minutes ago. I looked away and tuned back in to the conversation as they neared.

“Homeroom rotates every two years,” Kat explained as she saw my confused face (I had lost track of the conversation). “But somehow, the Quartet has always managed to stay together.” She frowned at Edmund who shrugged innocently.

“Luck?” he offered.

“You all must have an extraordinary amount of luck then,” I muttered, unable to help myself.

“I think so too.” Edmund grinned. Danielle snorted. It sounded suspiciously like “shameless”.

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