Chapter Nineteen- High School Royalty Part II

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Chapter Nineteen- High School Royalty


I rounded the corridor and the wooden panels gave away to smooth marble floor of foyer. It was still early and the foyer was quiet and empty. Sunlight streamed in through the open double doors. A group of guys stood bathed in the warm light, talking. It was a rare peaceful silence before school began.

Unfortunately, the silence was not to last. My shoes clacked obnoxiously against the marble floor as I ran. I winced as the sound echoed around the foyer and immediately slowed my pace to a walk.

Too late, the group of guys had turned around to locate the source of the disturbance – me – and I recognised them to be the Quartet.  Excellent timing. I needed to speak with them and it was best to get this done before the fan girls arrived.

So I skipped over to them. (Well, I was feeling somewhat chirpy today.) And as I approached, I saw that they had been talking to a girl. A very pretty one at that. She looked Russian, with her strawberry blonde tresses, big sapphire eyes and aristocratic nose. Her full lips turned into a frown as I came nearer. I mentally slapped myself. I must have interrupted their conversation. I smiled at her, hoping to apologise for intruding but she merely narrowed her eyes and placed a hand on Adrian’s arm, pouting slightly and whispering into his ear. I held back a smile. It was funny. How girls always seemed to fall head over heels over Adrian. 

“Hey,” I greeted them. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

“Who is she?” The Russian girl asked Adrian.

Adrian carefully disentangled his arm. “Kalista, this is Eleanore Petingill, she’s the secretary of the student council. Eleanore, this is Kalista Debon, a friend from the King Arthur’s.”

Kalista Debon. Wasn’t she the only daughter of the wealthy Russian-American oil baron? The social queen of the King Arthur’s and the elite circles. Hanging out with Danielle had its perks. You learn about all sorts of people you have absolutely no relation to. But you never know when you’d end up meeting such people.

I frowned. The Quartet had to be really influential to be in the same social circle as Kalista. She was the heiress to an empire worth billions. I briefly wondered about the type of families the Quartet came from. Then, I decided it didn’t really matter. They were nice people, rich or not.

So I stopped myself from pegging Kalista as the typical snobby heiress. She didn’t seem to the nicest person around but first impressions could sometimes be glaringly wrong. (I didn’t make the best first impression with Kat, did I?) I smiled cheerfully, holding out my hand. “Nice to meet you, Kalista.”

“You too, Eleanore,” Kalista returned my smile and shook my hand.

“So Adrian, it must be busy being the Chairman,” Kalista swiftly turned back to Adrian, with a toss of her glossy hair. I could feel a grin creeping up my face at the display and hastily turned away, only to catch Edward’s eye. He gave a roll of his eyes and then proceeded to fan himself in an affected manner. I pressed my lips together in an attempt to stifle my giggles but one escaped anyway.

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