Chapter Six

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Peeta and I are waken by Effie banging on the door. "Let's go! It's 9:00!"

"Oh my god!" Peeta yells as he jumps out of bed. "We have to go!"

We were expected to be in the area by 10:00. We had to get down to our stylists at 9:00 so they can prep us.

Peeta pulls me out of bed and kisses me passionately. He then pulls my shirt up, kneels down, and kisses my stomach.

"I'll see you both in the arena." He says. 

I embrace him in a hug and kiss him again. "We'll be alright." I assure him.

"I love you." He says.

His voice is very shaken and defeated. I feel terrible, but there is nothing I can do to stop it.

"I love you too."


When I get down there, I go straight to Cinna.

"I- it didn't work?" I say. "We're still going into the games?"

"I'm sorry, Katniss. President snow wouldn't budge."

"It's fine." I say.

Cinna hands me my clothes.

"It may be a bit tight. It's form fitting, so your bump will be very clear.

I slip the outfit on. It's a once piece grey jump suit. It's long sleeved and the pants are long too. Cinna hands me a pair of boots and I put them on. 

Cinna sits me down and does my hair. He puts it in a braid, just like the games last year.

I look in the mirror.  You can definitely tell I am pregnant. I rub my stomach, and I feel the first kick.

"Ahh." I say with a smile. "You're an active one, aren't you?"

Cinna is in the doorway. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah." I say.

We board the hover craft. I find Peeta sitting in a chair across from me. Every tribute is staring at my stomach. Some are smirking at me. As if they're telling me that I'm their first target.

Peace keepers come up and put our trackers in our wrist. It stings a little, but I know what to expect.

In 20 short minutes, we arrive. We are immediately taken underground. I find Peeta and nod to him. He mouths the words "I love you" to me.

I meet Cinna in the room. We wait for about five minutes. It feels way longer than that, though.

When we are instructed to enter our tubes, I walk in.

The tube closes, but I then see peace keepers come in. I am confused as to what they are doing, but they go right to Cinna.

They were trying to kill Cinna. 

They grab him and start to beat him. They throw him up against the tube. I am screaming and crying. I am trying to get out and help Cinna, but it's too late.

I am being risen up into the arena, and the last I see is Cinna's lifeless body being pulled out of the room.


As the arena comes into a full view, the butterflies that were once fluttering in my stomach, have now been consumed all throughout my body, flapping around like one hundred hummingbirds.

That's when I look down at my feet, and I am standing on a pedestal that is rising over an ocean of water.

This is no place for a girl on fire.

As the clock counts down from 10, I start to get furious. I'm not playing the hiding type this year. I'm out for blood.


I dive straight into the water and swim to the nearest land. I pull myself up and run straight to the cornucopia. I manage to pick up a bow and a bag of arrows. I shoot straight at a woman coming way. She falls straight in the water.

The cannon booms. She's dead. 

A man comes my way and I hit his knee. He falls in, but I don't hear a cannon.

I then look to my left, and I see Finnick Odair.

I am about to shoot but he then lifts his wrist, revealing a gold bracelet that Effie had given Haymitch.

"Good thing we're allies, right?" He says.  "Duck!"

I duck and Finnick throws his trident at a man that was going to attack me from behind.

"I have to find Peeta," I scream.

Finnick and I circle the cornucopia. Mags, the other tribute from district four, then finds him.

He is wrestling with a man in the water.

"Peeta!" I scream.

"I'll go get him," says Finnick.

"No, I don't trust you."

Finnick looks at me. "Listen, honey. It's obvious that Peeta can't swim and I can. And in your condition, I wouldn't be swimming out into a fight. They could easily punch you in the stomach and kill that baby."

I nod my head, and Finnick swims out to get Peeta. One punch, and Finnick finishes off the man Peeta was wrestling.

"Get on my back!"

Peeta does as Finnick says, and they both swim to us.

I help pull Peeta up, and I embrace him in a hug.

"I love you so much." I cry.

Peeta kisses me and rubs my stomach. "I'm okay, I'm okay."

"Alright, lovers. We should get going." Finnick says, as he pretends to point to a watch on his hand.

We follow Finnick into the tropical forest.  There are many plants growing outwards. Peeta has a knife that he is cutting them with.

That's when I hear it. A force field. After the capital repaired my ear that I went deaf in, I can hear extremely well in it.

"Peeta stop!" I scream.

Before he can react, he has already put his knife through it, throwing him backwards to the ground.

Finnick drops Mags and immediately, and sits next to Peeta.

I try to keep myself from breaking down. I am clenching my stomach., and praying that Peeta will be okay.

Finnick begins to give Peeta mouth to mouth. I don't entirely trust him yet, but it seems that he is trying to keep us both alive. Which is very strange.

Peeta opens his eyes slightly and everyone lets out a sign of relief.

I drop to my knees and lay on top of him.

"I thought I'd lost you," I cry.

"It's okay. I'm alright." He whispers.
Authors note:
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We're finally in the arena woo😂
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