Chapter 4; Night Time Chats and Breakfast

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When Pepper took Maggie to her room she walked her to her bed.

"This is you, Maggie." Pepper muttered as she let go of her hand.

It was a pretty big sized room. To the right was a twin sized bed, with small nightstands on each side. To the left was a small walk in closet with a small bathroom. It was cosy. It smelled as if nobody had come in this room in a while. Almost as if this room had been forgotten. However, the sand-colored carpets smelled clean and fresh.

Maggie dropped her backpack near the door and walked over to the bed. She flipped off her gym shoes and laid down on the bed. The red-head helped her under the covers and bent down next to her.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" Pepper asked gingerly.

Maggie nodded but grabbed Pepper's hand.

"Pepper? Why does everybody I love die?" Maggie pondered in a tiny voice.

Pepper felt her stomach drop. She had been trained to deal with annoying billionaires and business meetings, but not a cute, troubled little girl.

"...Um...well, do you believe in God?"

"Yes, but I hate him right now." Maggie reported as she balled her fists with the blanket.

"Well, I think God can do a lot of horrible things, like take your loved ones. But God doesn't give you anything that you can't handle. He loves you, and right now he's testing you. He tests us all with things like that. Your not alone, I fact you have a room full of superheroes right out there." Pepper explained to the little girl.

"But none of them compare to my momma." Maggie muttered.

"None of them compare to your Daddy either." Pepper kissed her forehead and stood. She walked to the door and flicked the light off.



"Could you leave the door open?" Maggie whispered.

"Sure," She replied with a small smile as she left the door cracked open.


Maggie woke to sunlight streaming through the giant window. The clock on her nightstand read; 8:49.

She stretched and got out of bed. She rooted through her backpack to find her clothes for the day.

She dressed in bell bottoms jeans and a pink shirt. She put a pink hair band on her head full of dark brown hair.

She brushed her teeth and brushed her hair. She opened her door and quietly crept downstairs. She could hear talking. She walked around the corner to see a room full of superheroes casually hanging out.

She spotted Pepper in the kitchen making herself some coffee. At the table sat, Steve Rogers and Bruce Banner. And Natasha Romanoff sat at the counter beside Clint.

They all sat quietly talking to each other, minus Steve, who was reading the paper.

Maggie slowly walked into the room.

"Good morning," She greeted in a small voice.

They all jumped, and some spun around and greeted her with wide smiles.

"Are you hungry, Maggie? Would you like some waffles?" Pepper asked her from behind the counter.

"Yes please," She replied as she sat at the counter next to Clint.

"Where's Tony?" Maggie requested from anyone.

The room grew quiet. Pepper spoke first.

"He went to Stark tower for work, he'll be back. Don't worry, we can be fun too." She informed with a grin.

"Like what?" Maggie pried as she took a bite of her waffles. The sweet maple syrup warmed her belly and filled her mind with memories of eating breakfast every morning with her mother.

"Hmm, well, we could go to the zoo." Answered Pepper. “Do you wanna go to the zoo?"

"Sure," Maggie answered, glumly.

Pepper shared a concerned look with Natasha.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Natasha asked her.

"I miss my mom..." Maggie replied at the point of tears.

The room grew quiet, not knowing what to do. Natasha hopped off her stool and hugged Maggie.

"It's okay, sweetie. It's okay to cry." Nat rubbed her back. "It's okay to cry. Do you wanna cry?"

"Don't tell me it's okay to cry! It only makes me wanna cry. I wasn't going to, but now you made me." Maggie sobbed.

"Oh oh, I'm sorry, Mags." Black Widow apologized to her.

The men all stood around awkwardly, not really knowing what to do.

"Yeah, nice job, Nat." Clint criticized.

She picked up Maggie and turned toward Clint. She gave him the nastiest glare, he immediately lost his sarcastic smile.

Pepper broke the tension, "So, shall we go to the zoo?"


The Avengers, plus Pepper, stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to go to the garage.

The lift stopped at the bottom floor and they all passed the cars to go to pick the right one.

"Ooooo, I want to ride this one!" Clint stopped in front red Audi. He casually plucked the key from the stand in front of the car.

Pepper's eyes grew large when she saw what it was.

"No, no, no, no, no, that's Tony's most prized, expensive car he owns. Even I'm not aloud to drive it. That's his favorite one." Pepper tried to steal him away, but he refused.

"Oh, cool. I'm gonna take this one, then." Clint replied, ornery hinting his voice.

"No, Clint, Tony will kill you if you trash it." Romanoff warned him.

He scoffed, "I won't trash it, I'm not that reckless. Geez..."

Natasha rolled her eyes as he got into the Audi with Bruce and Thor. 

Pepper, Nat, Maggie, and Steve all got into a more suitable, slower car.

"Meet you at the zoo, slowpokes!" Clint yelled as he peeled out of the garage.

Everyone rolled their eyes and followed him out.




Guess what guys, when I wrote the sentence, "she brushed her teeth," auto correct changed it to "she brushed her teargas,"!

I laughed so hard! Like, what is that?!

So, I don't know when I'll update next, probably next Saturday. Mabey, I still have a lot of other books that I try to update. Hey, why don't you check them out on my profile page?

So, later taters!

Ps. Don't forget to comment!

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