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    KING NICON WAS just about fed up with the lack of haste emitted by the scout he had sent to the woods prior to sunrise.  Nicon was sitting calmly at the head of the table in the conference room, a dagger twirling aimlessly around his fingertip, the hilt swirling on the wooden table cyclicly.  Occasionally, the sharp metal point would prick Nicon's finger, the cut healing almost instantaneously before a drop of blood could spill. 

    He had doubts about sending a recently acquired guard out. His task was to report on the warrior's progress of cutting off the shipment of the silver imported weaponry, and it seemed as if Nicon's doubts had been right. 

    A heavy sigh escaped the King's lips as he reclined in the velvet chair, his dagger long forgotten as he resorted to tapping his fingers impatiently against the hard surface.  His eyes watched the door with budding anticipation, his patience running short. 

    He was about to give up entirely, preparing to pull the man's heart, when the guard pushed the doors open with such force that they slammed against the walls of the conference room. 

    Nicon looked impatient, "Is there a reason you are late?"  He hadn't taken the man's lack of clothing into consideration as the King's eyes stared mercilessly upon him.

    "The shipments were reported successfully cut off, Your Highness."  The frightened man's lack of clothing made it easy to see that he was shaking, whether as a result of the cold or fear, Nicon assumed the latter.  He frowned, looking directly at his King with a forlorn expression.  "When I was in the woods, there was a girl, My King-"

    Nicon held up a hand, "Do not trouble me with your ridiculous attractions.  You are dismissed."

    The man feverishly shook his head.  "With all due respect, My King, but I couldn't attack her.  She ordered me to stop, and I couldn't do anything but."

    The King rose from his chair, taking a step around the table and towards the young man.  "Have you forgotten the villagers are more aware of our kind than ever?  Did you expose yourself as a shifter?"

    The guard shook his head, "No, Your Highness.  She fell out of a tree and I went to kill her and she held out her hand and commanded me to stop."

    The King considered the guard's story.  "Was it witchcraft?"

    The guard frowned, looking down at his bare feet.  His blue eyes shone with confusion as he contemplated the King's question and his heart started thumping more erratically when he realized he didn't know the answer to it.  "I don't think so, Your Highness, it seemed as if she was above my rank and my wolf was obeying her."

    Nicon froze.  "Of what age was this girl? Perhaps she is a descent from Alpha blood." 

    "No, Your Highness.  She looked barely twenty, and I would have been able to smell if she was a shifter."   

    King Nicon growled loudly, the guard cowering in fear at the noise.  "Find the girl and bring her to me!" 

    The guard bowed his head quickly, muttering a quick pleasantry before turning and shifting into his wolf, bounding out the door.

    King Nicon quickly exited the room after the guard, calling for Killian, one of his most promising warriors.  Killian was quick to come, his long hair tied behind his head, the large scars on his forehead visible from where Nicon had slashed him years before.  "Yes, My King?"

    "Follow the guard through the forest.  Find the girl that he speaks of.  Do not return until the girl is in your possession."

    Killian bowed his head, shifting midair as he followed the guard out of the castle.  Deep in thought, King Nicon retreated into the Great Room, where the rest of the men remained.  The room grew quiet as Nicon entered and the men bowed their heads in respect.

    Nicon nodded back to them and the conversation returned at once.  A lone warrior walked up to his king with a frown on his face.  He was largely built, with broad shoulders and a tall frame.  Any naïve onlooker would imagine he had the upper hand over Nicon's lean and tall body.  Nicon was one of the most formidable creatures to walk the Earth, his battle skills far exceeding any other, his speed unmatchable.  It was a death wish to fight him alone.

    "King Nicon," the warrior addressed, pausing a few feet in front of him.  "When will we be able to resume our hunting?  We've been locked up in this castle for weeks without proper space to release our wolves.  The scouts are getting all the fun!"  A few men cheered the warrior on from behind him, and if it wasn't for the pint of beer in the man's hand, Nicon was sure he wouldn't have made the mistake of questioning him.

    "Unless you want to start a war with the humans, I suggest you stay focused on the plan that is in motion.  We have already started to eradicate handfuls of the human population."  Nicon took a threatening step towards the man, who audibly gulped as the room grew silent.  Nicon lifted a hand, his claws extending slowly, trailing down the side of the man's face tauntingly.  "Do not question my authority again or your hand will not be the only thing you lose."

    The King's claws slashed through the man's bone like it was butter.  The warrior screamed and Nicon was briefly upset that he had to punish one of his fighters when he knew they would all be needed in the near future.

    His claws retracted as the men started to resume their conversations again, for violence was not an uncommon sight in the castle.  The man took his punishment quietly, barely crying out as Nicon took his hand. 

    "Clean this up," he told him.   

    "Yes, Your Highness."  While the man was respectful, his face showed contempt and his voice was slightly hostile.  King Nicon growled slightly and the man backed away, claiming his wrist from the ground and attempting to stop the bleeding on his arm.

    "Visit the Doctor."  King Nicon instructed before turning away, walking out of the room and returning to the conference room, where he would await the arrival and execution of the mysterious girl.

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