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IT SOUNDED LIKE a large drum was beating and it took Elysie a few moments to distinguish the sound as heavy feet approaching her door. Nicon had let her move back to her room only yesterday, although he had marked her a week ago. It had been a painful transition, but the emotional agony of transitioning and adjusting to her new body proved to be the more exhausting aspect of the transformation.

It had been a week since she last saw Syd, and she had been desperately calling out to Nicon's mind for any mention of his name. She knew he was staying with friends, but having never mentioned them before, she didn't know how close Syd was to them. Elysie was worried.

She wanted to hug him and tell him it was okay, because it was. She had forgiven him the moment it happened, and she had endless regret for the way she acted toward him. Elysie had acted as if he were a monster. On top of everything, she hadn't been there for him after Killian's death. However upset she was about it, she knew Syd was even more so.

There were two knocks on the door, and like usual, she called a gentle, "Come in."

The doors opened and she expected it to be Nicon, while she secretly hoped it to be Syd. When it was neither, Elysie quickly sprang from the bed and stood in front of the trunk as if she could protect herself from the intruder.

She could hear the pumping of her heart in her ears magnified by what felt like a thousand times. The man who entered the room didn't say anything, but looked to the woman who entered with him.

They were both beautiful, the man had sandy colored hair and warm brown eyes, while the woman had deep brown hair and forest green eyes that reminded Elysie of her mother's. The woman was clearly pregnant and was wearing a floor length gown that looked equally chic as it looked comfortable. Whoever these people were, they emitted a peaceful presence. Elysie's heart calmed down, even more so when she saw Nicon's head peak out from behind the couple.

Although she considered herself awfully personable and friendly, Elysie couldn't find anything to say to the strangers. It had only been a few seconds since they walked in, but Elysie noticed it felt much longer than that.

Nicon walked around the pair and greeted Elysie with open arms. She quickly embraced him, and as she was released from the hug, she felt his left arm rest on her waist and pull her to him snugly. The warmth emitting from his touch was enough to send Elysie's heart racing once again.

"Quentin, Victoria," Nicon addressed the couple, "Meet Elysie."

"Is she—" Victoria said, her voice drifting off as her face lit up with a hopeful expression.

Elysie was too focused on the woman to see Nicon nod, but as soon as he did, Victoria rushed at Elysie and wrapped her in a hug as if they had known each other for years. Elysie was eager to reciprocate it, especially because it seemed the uncomfortable initial atmosphere had dissipated.

"We're very happy for you both," Quentin said.

Victoria dragged Elysie away from Nicon and toward Elysie's bed, and although the warmth from Nicon's presence was gone, she could feel him gazing at her. "I'm so happy to have met you," she said to Elysie. "We'll become close friends in no time."

"Don't scare the poor girl away, Vic," Quentin said with a laugh.

As Victoria rolled her eyes and dropped herself onto the bed, readjusting her leg so she didn't fall over, Elysie decided she very much liked the company of the couple. "Why don't you boys go some place else, yeah? Let us have a girl talk." After a few seconds the playful smile dropped from her face and her eyes widened, "Sorry, Your Highness. I didn—"

"That sounds like a wonderful idea," Elysie said, grinning softly, attempting to reassure Victoria. She didn't want Nicon to reprimand the woman who just wanted to be Elysie's friend.

Please. I'll be fine. I haven't spoken to another woman in months. I ju—

"Very well," Nicon affirmed. "I'll see you for dinner this evening, Elysie."

She smiled and her cheeks warmed from the gaze Nicon was giving her. His eyes were regarding her so intensely that it made her chest swim with warmth and longing.

As they closed the wood doors behind them, Quentin blew a kiss to his wife, who caught it in her hand and blew one back. Elysie looked at Victoria while she watched her husband leave. She had freckles dotting her nose and she was aimlessly picking at the long ends of her hair, which reached just above her waist. She was undeniably gorgeous and already had a motherly glow adorning her features.

"I can't believe he kept you from the rest of the castle, although it is probably for good reason. I know some of the men wouldn't take kindly to a—"

"Human?" Elysie supplied.

Victoria flashed a sad grin. "I was going to say a beautiful unmated woman."

Elysie's lip quivered and her eyes watered in the corners. Victoria touched her forearm as Elysie hastily dabbed at the corners of her eyes. "I'm not upset," Elysie said shaking her head lightly. "I'm just incredibly overwhelmed right now."

"Is it me?"

"No, I just—you remind me so much of my mother, and I haven't quite adjusted to the bite." Victoria smiled faintly as Elysie opened her mouth to continue. "The way Nicon spoke about it, he made it seem as if the Shifters would want my head on a stick if they found me."

The woman's smile turned sad. "We have never seen eye to eye with the humans. If the Shifters found out Nicon was harboring one in the castle, on top of the violence that has been happening lately, it just wouldn't be a good idea. No one would react positively."

Elysie looked away from the woman and her eyes found the window. It was bright out, and the sky was a pure blue. The green forestry that her eyes drifted over made her miss home, and her heart yearned more than usual.

"I didn't realize there was so much violence."

Victoria laid back on Elysie's bed. Elysie liked the fact that this woman was quick to warm up to her. "In addition that, the Shifters don't like the fact that the Council has meetings every two weeks. Everyone's anxious about it. And after what happened to Killian, it seems like the war is just beginning."

Elysie stilled. The Council has meetings every two weeks? Her vision turned red as she realized Nicon had lied to her. She knew she wouldn't be reacting with such anger if it hadn't been for her heightened sense of emotion, but Elysie would be furious either way.

"He forgot to mention he still hosted the Council," she said to Victoria, her voice cracking.

Victoria didn't say anything for a long moment, before she sighed and grabbed Elysie's forearm to help pull her up from her position. "I can't make your decisions for you, but I hope you decide to hear him out. We finally have a Luna."

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