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            THE KING WAS holding his breath as the council took their respected seats before him.  For some reason, guilt was bubbling in his chest.  He had heard Elysie speaking to Syd this morning, who mentioned to her that she would have the opportunity to meet Killian later in the day when he returned, at Killian's request they be introduced.  She seemed excited about this, but her spirits were higher than normal.  As much as it had pleased him, he did not feel particularly well about hiding things, such as the Council meeting which she seemed strongly opinionated about, from her so early in their friendship.

If she even considered them friends.

"Welcome," Nicon addressed the group as they sat.  "As you all know, there is much to discuss."

The stout Alpha at the end of the table snickered slightly, surprised by the fact that Nicon was treating them as Alpha's as opposed to mutts.

The King ignored his disrespect, knowing he would pay for it later.  "My warriors have reported great success in leading the counterattacks to the imports.  There have been over a dozen Shifter casualties, however.  Alpha Cayn, how do you seek to improve the training of your warriors?  The only Shifters we have lost have been from your section.  Perhaps taking on Alpha Wythe's territory was more than you could manage."

The Alpha who had previously been full of pride had a look of embarrassment as he opened his mouth to defend his ego.  "I-"

"I don't want your excuses," the King snapped.

            Cayn bowed his head in submission.  "Yes, Your Highness."

            "There is a war brewing," he told the men.  "In the end, it is us who must come out victorious.  We will move to the next territory and continue to stop the shipments, killing all who were involved."

            "If I may, Your Highness," an Alpha in the middle said, his thick-rimmed glasses cutting deeply into his skin as he pushed them up further onto his nose.  "Why don't we make ourselves more known to the humans?  Perhaps that will scare them off enough for us to remain in peace."

            "There is no peace," Alpha Cayn said.  "Nor will there ever be.  Why take away the element of surprise?"

            King Nicon watched the two with odd amusement.  He didn't feel that making the Shifter's race known was an ideal situation, nor did he feel that war was inevitable.  "The humans are too ignorant to realize that they are not alone.  We will do what is necessary for the survival of our race, but no more."  The King sent a pointed look in Alpha Cayn's direction as he spoke the last of his sentence, his tone final.  His mind was made up and he did not want the discussion to carry on further.

            Cayn, however, had other ideas. 

Outraged, he stood from his chair, his eyes swirling with fury.  "How could you say war is not inevitable?  The humans are weak!  For a race so superior, we are acting as if we are the inferior!"

A growl ripped through Nicon's throat as he stood to match the man's height.  He could feel his claws elongating, and he gripped the underside of the table tightly.  "There will be no further discussion on the matter, and you will show respect when addressing me."  He was becoming fed up with the disrespect the Alpha was showing him, and it took all of his being to not remove a second Alpha's head. 

"Your Highness," he said mockingly, "I assure you I am not the single man who feels this way."

Nicon's challenging eyes did not leave Cayn's.  "Any other man who feels the same way as Alpha Cayn, speak up now."

            Two men rose from their chairs and Nicon's eyes were forced to leave the Alpha's.  "Alpha's Troy and Barthor."  Troy was a muscled man, tattoos running up his neck and tucking behind his ear, while Barthor was a quiet, business-like man.

            "Alpha Cayn's argument is well formed, Your Highness," Barthor spoke clearly.  He loosened his tie slightly, dusting off the front of his suit in a formal manner.  "Why should we remain in the dark when our species is clearly superior?"

            Alpha Troy nodded his head in agreement, but didn't add anything to the conversation. 

"The vote is still in my favor."

            Cayn clenched his jaw, and Nicon could hear his teeth grind together. 

            "What changed your mind, Your Highness?" Troy asked curiously.

            "Rational thought."

            "That is hardly rational thought," Cayn said. 

            Nicon did not try to hide his anger any longer, his hands hanging loosely from his body and not concealed underneath the hard wood of the table.  He stepped out from his spot at head of the table and approached the Alpha carefully.  "Please," he said sarcastically, "Address your King as you would a villager."

            Cayn did not look phased.  "Maybe it's time your position was handed to someone more fit if you make decisions with a child's resolve!"         

            Nicon flashed a twisted grin, finding humor in Cayn's accusations.  "If you feel that way, who do you suggest take my place?  There is no one of Royal descent here, let alone anyone who has the power to defeat me in a fight."

            The King knew Cayn was full of himself, but did not expect him to be stupid enough to suggest he was fit for the crown.  "You have no Queen.  You have no successor.  You lack the common knowled-"

            Before Cayn could finish his sentence, Nicon's hand had been thrust into his chest, so deep that Nicon could feel the pulsing of his heart beating around his fingertips.  "Your life, this instant, is beneath my fingertips," he told him carefully.  "I suggest you speak wisely now."

            His hand gripped tighter around his heart and Cayn let out a few strangled choking noises as bubbles of dark blood surfaced in his mouth, his bottom lip turning a pure red color.  "My apologies, My King."

            "Is that all you have to say to me, mutt?"

            The other Alpha's in the room had grown deadly silent as they watched the scene in front of them unfold.  "Yes, Your Highness."      

            Nicon pulled his hand out of the Alpha's chest, smirking in victory as the Alpha gasped for breath.  It would take at least a few hours for the wounds to heal, but his lesson would not be forgotten.

            "We will continue with what is necessary for our race's survival.  You are all dismissed until a fortnight's time."     

            The Alpha's murmured respectful departing words and once they filed out of the door, Cayn's thunderous footsteps echoing through the hallways, Nicon left for his quarters so he could clean his bloodied hand.  He had longed for an opportunity to threaten, and he had gotten his wish.  Perhaps the Goddess was not against him, after all. 

            Syd told me I am allowed to meet Killian, is this true?  Despite his fading temperamental mood, a small grin formed as he heard Elysie's words in his mind.

            It is.  Tonight, he will dine with us. 

            Elysie did not respond, too excited with the fact that when she opened the closet doors and felt for the silk of a particular dress, she could tell that it was a deep red color. 

            Blinking rapidly, she didn't believe it until she reopened her eyes and the faint red glow was still present, despite the majority of her vision remaining black.

The possibility of the situation was astounding, and Elysie's heart fluttered at the mere thought.

big thank you to valiantsouls for the beautiful cover!!

NiconDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora