FINAL|#33.You or him die.

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(Sorry it had to happen! And im really sorry that this will be the last preference! I've just decided to end the book, I will have final imagines too. This one may be a little graphic...sorry)


You were fighting off the Grievers with Thomas, and Minho. You had stabbed a few causing them to fall of the edge and into a black abyss. You heard a screech as you fell to the ground and was dragged away from the group, "Y/N!" Thomas screamed. You looked to the Griever as it was getting ready to stab you, you had lost your spear on the way. You looked back as the needle soon injected your thigh, you screamed out in pain. The Griever thrashed until it soon fell of the edge. "Y/N!" Thomas ran to you picking you up in his arms. "Y/N! You've been stung!" he exclaimed. "Yeah, I have." you said as Thomas was looking at you with tears in his eyes. "W-What do I do?" he questioned. You soon felt tears in your eyes, "Thomas, you have to kill me." you said. Thomas looked at you with guilt in his eyes. "No! I can't, Y/N!" he said tears dripping onto your skin. You leaned in and kissed his lips, you took his spear aiming it to your heart. You pulled back, "Then I have to." you said pushing the spear through your body. "Y/N!" you heard Thomas scream, your vision went white. "I love you, Thomas." you lastly said once all you saw was white.


"Minho!" you screamed as a Griever was heading straight for him. He turned his eyes showing fear, and guilt. "Minho run!" you screamed, but it was too late. You saw the needle disappear into the side of his body. He fell to the ground with a loud grunt escaping through his lips, you rushed to him cupping his face in your hands. "Minho?" you asked him with tears streaming from your eyes. "I don't want to hurt anyone, Y/N kill me." he said sadly. You felt your stomach drop, "N-No Minho I can't." you said. He smiled at you, "Be my brave baby girl, please Y/N." he said as tears were pooling in his eyes. You shook your head, "Minho, I love you too much to kill you." you said. He chuckled, "I love you too." he said kissing your lips. You looked at him sadly, "Minho...I-" you were cut of by a knife being put in your hands. "Please, Y/N. Get me out of this hell hole." he said looking into your eyes. You could see the sadness, fear, and regret in them. You nodded, you raised the knife up and aimed it for his heart. "I love you, Y/N" he said. You slammed it into his chest, his breathing dying down slowly. You began to cry over his limp body. I'm sorry Minho... you thought as you cried into his shirt.

-Time skip-

You began to walk into the Glade, wiping the tears from your eyes. Alby, and Newt ran to you followed by everyone. "Y/N, wheres Minho?" Alby asked. You looked at him sadly before bursting into tears. You guess everyone took the hint because arms wrapped around you as you sobbed.


I felt tears sting my eyes as Minho, and Jorge were holding me back. "Please, Tommy Please." (I do not own this line! All props to James Dashner.) Newt said. I covered my mouth as Thomas pulled the trigger, Minho and Jorge finally let me go. I sprinted to Newt, collapsing in front of him. I looked at him, he had changed and I knew it had to happen. Yet it still was the most painful thing. I watched a tear drop onto his shirt, I leaned and began to cry into his chest. I looked back up and toward the gun Thomas had thrown at the ground after he shot Newt. I grasped the gun and cocked it, Thomas stared at me before he tried to lunge for me. "I'm sorry." I whispered as I pulled the trigger. "No, Y/N!" I heard Minho scream. The world around me turned white as I fell to the ground. Next to Newt . . .


You pushed Chuck out of the Grievers grasp, the end of the needle fell to the floor. "Y/N, watch out!" Thomas screamed. You looked behind you to see, another Griever and an ready needle. You tried to move but you were frozen with fear.You felt a sharp pain, in your back. You fell to floor, as Alby ran to you. "Y/N!" He exclaimed, you looked to Alby. "No, please. It's a nightmare!" He said grasping your body. "Alby, I'm sorry. I love you." You said. You grasped a knife in your hand, and stabbed it through your body. Alby looked at you, "No! No, baby please!" He said. Your vision became dark, as tears were dripping on your face.


You stood behind Gally, as he pointed the gun toward Thomas. You had no clue what to do, you didn't even know what happened to cause this. You were knocked out of your thoughts by a gun shot.Gally fell to the floor, you ran to him. You looked up toward Thomas and Chuck.The bullet had thankfully missed everyone (I wish that Chuck didn't die..). You looked down toward Gally, you took out a little wooden heart you had made. Tears began to flow, you ran your hand over his hair. "I love you Captain Gally." You said through tears. You put it in his hands, you kissed his head and walked to Thomas, and everyone.

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