FINAL|Newt Imagine #5 p.2

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(Yo guys it's part 2!!!)

Newt's POV

Memories filled my head, the reason I was there. Surgeons, the maze, Y/N . . . Something stuck out though. The word immune, people in long white coats pointed to a picture of Thomas saying immune, then to a picture of Alby saying immune then to me. They uttered the words "not immune." A scientist asked "how long does he have?" Another answered "Not sure. But the serum will help if it hits during the maze trials.". I was sick?
I watched my vision fade in and out to see Y/N facing me. Her smile made me melt, "Y/N." I said. I felt her arms wrap around me, I knew this memory. This was my happiest memory, the first hug we ever shared. Yet it was off, we looked younger. Did I know Y/N before the maze?
I opened my eyes to see Y/N holding my hand, Minho, Alby, Thomas, Teresa and Gally all at the foot of my bed. "Good morning Newt. Welcome back." Alby said. A smile formed on his lips. Y/N wrapped her arms around me, I hugged her tightly. She pulled away a placed a kiss on my lips.
"Nasty." Gally said crossing his arms and looking at me. I laughed, I felt so sore. "So. What happened?" Minho asked me.
I stared at him, and sighed. "I'm not immune. And I think I've know Y/N since before the maze." I said. Questions kept coming at me, I tried to answer all best I could.
Everyone slowly left, leaving only Y/N with me. I looked at her, she smiled at me, before saying "I really hope Frypan didn't make his vegetable stew." I let out a laugh.

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