#34.Your Child Gets Killed/or Injured in the Maze

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(Hello everyone! This preference was requested by @insanebunny12
Go check them out!
Y/D/N:Your Daughters name
Y/S/N:Your Sons name.)

You were scared, your daughter was at the age where she could finally get a job around the Glade. She was like Thomas, she wants to be a runner. But neither you or Thomas want that to happen. "Y/D/N, I want you to be safe! I'm not trying too keep you from trying new things, I just really don't want you die out there!" I exclaimed at Y/D/N. She grumbled, and left the homestead. I raced after her, she noticed me jogging after her. That's when she ran into the maze, I couldn't believe it. "Thomas! Y/D/N ran into the maze what do we do?" I said to him, my breathing was uneven. Thomas looked at me his eyes showed fear.
"What?! How,why?" He asked. "I told her she couldn't be a runner, and she got angry at me." I said. He ran past me, I ran after him. I of course changed my job after haveing Y/D/N, so I could watch after her. I still had my old runner in me so I kept up with Thomas. We both entered the maze looking into every twist and corner in the maze.
"Where is she! Argh!" I said, I was getting frustrated. "We will find her calm down!" Thomas said. That's when we heard a scream, you could hear both our hearts stop. We both sprinted to the scream to see Y/D/N holding her ankle, and rocking back and forth.
"Y/D/N! Oh honey!" Thomas said kneeling down toward her. "Sweetheart are you okay?" I asked.
"Mom, I should have listened to you." Y/D/N said crying and holding onto Thomas. "Its okay honey. We'll be here to protect you." I said kissing her forehead.

"Mom, Dad you never listen! I want to train with Minho to be a runner!" Y/S/N screamed at me and Newt. "Honey we know, but being a runner is dangerous! And we don't want you to get hurt or possibly killed!" I said. "Mommy? What's a 'runner'?" Your two year old daughter asked. "I'll explain later Y/D/N." I said avoiding the question. "Listen Y/S/N, you have to listen to us alright?" Newt said. Y/S/N grumbled and turned away from us.

~A few hours later~
"Mommy! Y/S/N is gone!" Y/D/N screamed running up to you and Newt. The runners were back, and the doors were close to closing. You looked at Newt, as tears formed into your eyes. You both sprinted to the doors your daughter in your arms. "Y/S/N! Y/S/N! No...please." Newt said.
"Guys? What's wrong?" Thomas, and Minho ran up to you three. "Bobo ran into the maze!" (Bobo is what she calls your son.) Your daughter said. Just then the doors began to close, you turned just in time to see the last glance of your son.
You burst into tears, your daughter held into you as she cried as well. She knew that the doors closed meant that he was gone.
"We can go after him in the morning, we'll find him. We swear." Minho said trying to reassure us.

~The next day~
I say on a rock holding my daughter, waiting for Minho and Thomas to return. Newt was beside me holding my free hand. Neither of us wanted to talk, we were afraid. Alby was pacing back and forth also waiting. The sound of the rocks beneath his feet made me get more anxious.
"There!" A boy exclaimed pointing to the doors. I looked up Thomas was holding Y/S/N in his arms. He was covered with scratches, and bruises. We got up and sprinted to our son, he wasn't breathing. He was pale, and he was covered in blood. "No..." I said placing our daughter into Minho's arms. Thomas laid down Y/S/N on the floor. I kneeled down to him, Newt next to me. "Y/S/N..." I said softly, moving a single strand of hair from his forehead. "Bobo?" Your daughter said, her voice shaky from seeing his state. Minho let her down, and she sat down next to me. "Mommy, why isn't Bobo waking up?" She asked. "Bobo's gone, honey. He's gone to a better place." I said letting the tears fall. Everyone was crying, and everyone was around us.

I watched after my almost 7 year old daughter play with Chuck. Chuck turned out to be one of her bestest friends around the Glade. "Hey Y/N, can you come help me with this?" Newt asked holding boxes. I nodded getting up, "Chuck, watch Y/D/N!" I exclaimed walking with Newt toward the weapon shed.
"Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven." Newt counted the new boxes of supplies. "Crap!" I heard Chuck scream. I got up and walked out saying goodbye to Newt. Chuck must have been trying to hide the fact that he~ wait wheres my daughter? "Chuck! Where's Y/D/N?" I asked anger filling me up. "I uh...she was...uh." Chuck rambled. "You lost my daughter!" I exclaimed. I began to frantically search around the Glade for my daughter, she was no where to be seen. It was getting late too, I knew Minho would be coming back and he would kill me if he knew I lost Y/D/N. I waited near the maze entrance awaiting my fate, Minho came back holding something. I looked closer it was Y/D/N and she had a huge gash on her cheek. "Oh my god!" I said grabbing her from Minho and holding her closer to me. "Why was she out in the maze?" Minho asked. I snuggled closer toward her, "I asked Chuck to look after her. And I swear I looked all over for her honey." I said. Minho hugged me, "I know you did. She's fine now." He said kissing the top of my head.

He's gone, he's never coming back. My sweet Y/S/N. I should have looked after him. I thought as they buried my son, tears dripped into the soil. Alby had tears dropping from his eyes to the ground, I've never seen him cry this much. Our son died in the maze, he was killed by a Griever. The runners recovered his body days later. He was as happy as anyone could get in the Glade. I never thought of having a funeral for a 14 year old boy. But I'm having one now, and it's for my son.
I watched as the builders placed his headstone in the ground. I held onto Alby, crying. He was our only son, and we never wanted to have a funeral for him.
"Alby, Y/N I'm so sorry. I should have watched after him." Newt said.
"It's fine." I said softly, looking at the ground.

"Mom, since it's my birthday. Can I please go out into the maze with Travis?" Y/D/N asked, trying her hardest to get me to agree.

"Not in a million years sailor. Who knows what Travis might have planned." Gally said as he walked into our room.
"And who in the hell would have a date in the maze? Also it's too late anyway." I added. "But, Travis is a runner! He knows everything about the maze!" Y/D/N said. "Yeah and so does Minho, and Thomas. But you don't see them going out this late. Now do you?" Gally said. "Yeah..." Y/D/N said looking down defeated.

~The next day~
"Y/D/N?!" I heard Gally scream. I woke up and looked at her room. Gally was frantically looking in her room. "Gally?" I questioned. "She's gone." He said.

I walked into the Glade stomping toward Minho, and his group of runners. I grabbed him, "Where the hell is Travis?" I screamed at him. "Woah, Y/N calm down. He's out running." He answered. "My daughter's missing! And I bet on my life it's Travis's fault!" I screamed. "Wait. Y/D/N is gone? She went with Travis to train. She said you and Gally said yes." Minho said confused. My eyes went wide, and I let go of Minho. "Well look. There's Travis." One of the runners said. I turned seeing Travis holding my daughter in his arms. I sprinted to him, looking down seeing a slpotch of blood on her head. "What happened?" I questioned. "Uh...we....we're doing things. And she hit her head." He answered fast. I looked at Travis, and also for Alby. The coast was thankfully clear so I slapped Travis. "You stupid shank!" I exclaimed.

(There! Starting tomorrow I'll follow my schedule that I planned out. Thank you guys!)

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