Chapter 14-

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Kitty and Wyatt stop arguing when I walk out of the room, leaving Slade behind, who is too occupied reading his notes.

"So?" Kitty asks. "What did you talk about in there? We weren't able to listen to your conversation. We only could see your lips moving," she says with a slight pout and I chuckle at her expression. She looks even younger and her cheeks are red from rambling on without taking a breath.

"Well," I start and recall the scene with Slade in my head. "First he told me some basic facts and after that we talked about my power. He gave me many stuff to think about," I add.

"I'm sure he did," Juliette suddenly interfere. She steps towards me and puts one hand reassuringly on my shoulder, squeezing it lightly.

"I'm going to talk to him now. You should show Celia around. Maybe start with the training room so she gets familiar with it" she announces and leaves to see Slade.

It seems like a habit of hers to command people around.

But before either of them show me around Wyatt puts in. "But first you have to tell us about your power!"

Kitty nods eagerly about his request and even Eric shows his approval. He pouts like a puppy and I laugh at his expression. It reminds me over their guesses earlier.

"Guys, she doesn't need to tell you anything if she doesn't want to," Reece argues and I look at the guy, who has been quiet all the time. He openly stares back at me.

"No, it's fine Reece. I want to tell you," I say giving him a short appreciated smile.

Then I avert my gaze from him and turn my attention towards the rest of them, who are waiting for my answer impatiently.

"I'm able to freeze time around me and in the meantime I'm the only one who is able to move around," I explain. I wait for there reaction and it takes them a while to give me one.

Wyatt whistles," That is even better than walking through walls."

"Impressive," Eric comments and it is the same word I described his power.

I see the fascination in Kittys eyes and even Reece seems impressed. That also means that he didn't know all details about my power.

"Can you show us your power?" Kitty then wants to know and I froze at her words. She noticed my discomfort and immediately adds, "But you don't have to."

"No, it's not that. I just can't control my power," I admit slightly embarrassed.

"Don't worry about that," Eric comments, smiling at me.

"You only need practice and in no time you are able to do it," Wyatt says and gives me a big smile. And I don't know why, but his smile has something devious.

Suddenly Eric begins to laugh loudly and none of us understand why. He hasn't gone crazy in a few seconds has he?

"Oh, I'm just laughing, because we are kind of stupid," he tells us and I'm not the only one who raises his eyebrows in confusion.What is he talking about?

"We can actually never see Celia's power, because we are frozen in time when she uses it," he clarifies and suddenly his laughing makes sense.

There is some mumbling of approval. But is that true? I remember the accident with Aiden and suddenly that statement has a bitter after taste. Though I don't tell them and keep it a secret.

"Okay, the question about her power is finally solved and we can go now to the training room," Reece announces.

"Let the way," I tell him and after that we all follow him outside.

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