Chapter 15-

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I spent the rest of the day with my aunt in the hospital looking after Nancy. Luckily her conditions stays the way it is and don't get worse and I'm relived that my aunt don't ask me about Reece and the "lunch" we had.

Later that day I call Aiden and inform him about Nancy. He immediately wants to visit us, but I assure him I will call him if something happens.  However, I have to promise him to tell him everything and not forget one detail. But this time it will be difficult, because I have to lie to him. I can't tell him the whole truth, because I'm not allowed to talk about Matthew Enterprise.

The next day starts as always, I get up and go to school. However you can notice that I didn't get much sleep, because of the big circles under my eyes. Instead of sleeping I was thinking about Nancy and the M.E, which I now called Matthew enterprise for short. My thoughts drifted from super humans to super power and the people I met.

Right now I'm sitting with Aiden in our cafeteria. It's lunch time and I tell my best friend about Nancy and try to leave everything out that involves super humans.

"And she just fainted out of sudden?" My best friend asks, after he takes a bite out of his sandwich.

I'm not really hungry, so I put my food aside before I answer him. " I guess. I was not around when it happened. I found her afterwards."

Aiden thinks about my words before he puts a hand on my shoulder and tries to comfort me.

"She will be fine Celia. The doctors know what they do and I'm sure she will be awake sooner than you think."

"Yeah," I mumble, but Aiden sees right through me. I'm not convinced and he squeezes my shoulder again.

"What about you? Are you alright too?" he then wants to know. With his forefinger he points at my cheek. The scratch is still visible and I totally forgot about it. That's why I didn't try to cover it.

"I'm fine. I don't even remember where I got that from," I lie.

To my relive Liam appears in that moment and interrupts our conversation. He plums himself down next to us and takes a bite of his apple before he starts to speak.

"How are you two?" he asks us. But something about his tone is weird. And I immediately know why. He is a bad liar and I'm sure he listened to our conversation. Under normal circumstances I would have complained about him ear dropping on us, but today I have no power for that. So I mumble,"Fine."

Liam is smart enough not to keep asking and we continue to have our lunch in silence. That is until two figures appear next to our table. A girl and a boy I'm already too familiar with.

"Can we sit with you guys?" the girl ask. It is Kitty and on her side she has Eric. Their appearances surprises me. I did not know that they spend time together at school.

"Sure," we all answer and the two of them join us. Aiden already knows Kitty and gives her a nod in acknowledgment.

"Liam this is Kitty," I introduce these two and as while Kitty smiles one of her infamous smiles, Liam nods in return. Then I carried on and introduce Eric and again the guys nod at each other and mumble a greeting.

I don't fail to notice the few glances Aiden is giving Eric. It must be weird to see him like that after all these years.

"So you are both new at this school?" Liam wants to know, addressing Kitty and Eric.

"Yes, I transferred from a girls school to this one," Kitty explains. "You can't imagine, how it is to be surrounded by only girls," she shudders. 

At her words Aiden and I laugh heartily, because we are sure Liam knows how that feels.

He wiggles his eyebrows, which only makes us laugh harder. "Oh, I can imagine."

The perfect timing (In Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora