@Nytherides - I am Woman

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I Am Woman

It cannot break my faith.

It cannot wan my hope.

It cannot tell me how to love

nor the amount of times I pray.

It cannot shatter castles built

by these two hands.

It cannot destroy my caring soul.

It cannot steal my memories

I won't give it that.

It cannot smash my spirit.

It cannot devastate who I am.

I am a woman

I am not cancer.

I am,

and always will be.

About Christine:

Poems were my first love but now I also dabble in short works (mostly flash fiction and vignettes). I am also attempting to write a longer piece of (supernatural) fiction based on characters I'd created years ago.

On the 7th of May of 2015, I was lucky to become a published author. My book 'Goblin Garden' was published by a small house called Haramada/O Kupos Me Tis Lexis here in Greece (if you Google 'Goblin Garden Christine Bottas' you will be able to see it).

About the Poem:

'I Am Woman' was written shortly after a friend got diagnosed with breast cancer. Through her, I found some other ladies who were going though the same thing, all with a smile on their face and a strong will that screamed loudly in the Big C's ear that they were not going down without a fight, some bright red lipstick and a lot of laughs! These ladies all began to fight in such an upbeat manner that I could not help but be inspired by them. They may have said 'good bye' to their breasts but not 'good bye' to life or laughter. This one is for them and for anyone who's gone through or is going though something similar.

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