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"Why I Love You"

It's the second day of camping and we decided to do a trap making exercise with our partners until...

"Puppy! I need to go to the toilet~!" Rex shouted as he ran to the nearest bathroom.

I don't know if that's a way for him to leave me to do it or he just really needs to go. I just sighed at his actions but it made me think. Why did I want him back?

"Hmm... I was doing fine without him but... I wonder" I mutter to myself.

A little later I finished making a pitfall trap. It is suppose to be sensitive on the weight of a person. I called the facilitator to tell him 'we' finished.

"Hmm..." he walked over it but... nothing? Why?

"Aww man. What did I do wrong?"

"I'll come back later."

After he left I inspect the net I placed and the sticks. Seems fine but why did it not fall. Are the sticks too strong?

"Haah~! It feels so good!" After a while, Rex came back. It made me think of that idea again. I went silent. "What are ya thinking puppy? I can tell okay."

"It's just... I wondered why I want to see you again. I mean a year has passed and I am doing fine but I feel..." I started to cry

"You idiot! That's pretty normal. Two things kay: One, I am irresistible!" He puffed his chest

"Whatever~" I chopped on his head

"Hahaha! Just kidding! Two, it is because you still love me" he embraced me and I started to cry more tears

"But why?"

"Only you could answer that puppy. What do you love about me?" I wiped my tears

"You are arrogant, stupid, loud, crazy..." I teased


"Kidding! I love you because... I don't know... you are you?"

"That's it!" He said

"But it doesn't make sense! It does not fill the psychological facts."

"You need a rest from your studies. You are putting science in everything!" He holds my shoulder as he stares into my eyes

"I do not!"

"Last night you keep on rambling how the brain works while we sleep..."

"..." I fell silent. I never knew I put science in everything... I just laughed "You're right. I need a rest"

"How is the trap?" The facilitator came back

"Still nothing" I said

"I'll go get water" Rex said as he walked through the trap. Good thing it is too strong

"Let's see..." the facilitator looked at it and removed some sticks and rocks

"The sticks are being caught by rocks. That's why it won't fall"

"Great!" I said

"I got water for everyone!" Rex came running back

"No! Don't! There's a-!"


"Trap..." I face palmed myself. I just smiled as he climbed back up.

"Yep. That's why I love you." I whispered to him

"I know!"

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