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"I do"

"Hmm... why are they avoiding me?" I whisper to myself as I sat through the class. I may be over reacting, but every time I see them, they just need to go. I wonder...

"Ruuichi..." My human professor, Mr. Fritz, called me making me blush out of embarrassment

"YESSIR!!" I exclaimed

"Have you been listening?"

"Uh..." I stare at him making my ears and tail droop "No sir..."

"Haah..." he sighed "Come see me later"

"I understand..."

Then the bell rang signaling the end of class. I then looked at him.

"Sir... I'm sorry..."

"Tell me..." He sat and waited

"My friends, I think, are avoiding me..." I said as I lower my head

"Oh...Should I tell him..." He whispered

"Tell me what?"

"Ah! You heard me?"

"My ears are actually m pride!" I puffed out

"You are a half-blood... Anyway, go to Marasigan's home."

Tulio's house? Why?

"May I ask the reason?"

"Hmm..." he then closed his eyes then after a while he looked at the door "Coloma, youre being too obvious when hiding"

Rex? When I look he is there with flowers in his hands...


"Then it's my cue to leave." Mr. Fritz then left the room and closed the door

"I don't get it... " I looked at Rex

"Sorry puppy for leaving you..." He then gave me a kiss and the flowers

"Then tell me why?"

"Umm..." he scratched his nose and blushed "I want something to ask you... but it can wait till later... "

"Okay then..." I followed Rex to Tulio's house

"Hmm... How long has it been since I've been here? Let's go-!" I then felt his hands over my eyes

"Why?" He then pushed me to the door and then I was in darkness "Wha-!"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!" they all shouted. All of my friends in high school and college


"You gonna cry!" Adam teased


"Hey! Enjoy the night! It's Youre day!" Archie gave me a thumbs up

"Guys... Listen..."

"SPEECH!!" The exclaimed

"Okay then! One... It's not my Birthday... two, its next month"




I face palmed myself.

"Let me guess... Rex?" I look at Rex

"Eh? Uh... hahaha..."

"Haah..." I sighed "You got the date number right though"


"Rex..." I look behind me and I saw Maya preparing for a punch

"I'M SORRY!!" He then knelt in apology

"Haah... Thanks guys!" I just gave them a group hug and they hugged me back. I really loved my friends


I look behind Rex and I saw him kneeling with a box in hand... is...this...!

"You changed m life. Ever since we met, I have been waiting for this moment. Now that we're 20... answer me: When we graduate... Ice Debuscus Ruuichi... Will you spend the rest of our lives together... and Marry me?"

"I... I......" I start to tear up

"Well my love?"

"I DO!!!!" I fell on him and we shared a passionate kiss

More college work for me... :( I may take time. If I have not uploaded in a weekly basis either I am doing all homework or household chores. Just need to say that because some of you might not understand the situation. Also, what do you want them to do next? Feel free to comment! I't giving me inspiration! That's all and Bye!!

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