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Once upon a time, in a small town somewhere in the world, were two orphaned children, Daisy and Maxwell. Although not biologically related, both of their parents were long dead; one from a car accident and the other from disease. As these children were found and brought to a foster mother, Mrs. Brookshire, they thought both of their lives got much better and were to be adopted soon. Unfortunately, their lives got much, much worse.

Mrs. Brookshire showed to the world that she is the best foster mother anyone could get, but inside proved to be a cruel, cold-hearted woman. Both Daisy and Maxwell were whipped, beaten and had scars and blisters all over them. Mrs. Brookshire called this "Discipline", but these children believed that this wasn't discipline at all. This was abuse, they realized.

There was Mr. Brookshire, that would occasionally come over somberly, showing that he isn't like his wife at all. He would smuggle in gifts that Mrs. Brookshire wouldn't allow at all, like toys and sweets. But if Mrs. Brookshire did find toys and sweets, the two children were punished by getting whipped and a major argument would explode in fury, which is sadly why he doesn't come often.

However,there was something from the skies above that saw these two children from the clouds. A whale as white as milk and a tall, perigrine falcon that stood like a human while wearing a bomber jacket and aviator's goggles felt rather sad for these children.

"Moloko," the falcon said, "I truly wish that we can give these two children a much better life."

    The whale, Moloko, nodded. "Truthfully I wish, Falkner." Moloko said,"If we must take these children to salvation, we must make a plan."

Falkner, the falcon, nodded in agreement. "Maybe in the middle of the night,when they are fast asleep." Falkner said, "We can show them the world and that there are people that truly have a heart."

    Moloko looked down and rested her head on the clouds. "Let's head back to the Sky Tree," Falkner said, "We'll devise a plan when nobody is noticing."

Later that night, Mrs. Brookshire shoved Daisy and Maxwell to their poorly-maintained rooms. "Get to sleep you pigs," Mrs. Brookshire scolded, "So I won't hafta deal with you." The door slammed so hard, a crack on the wall was formed.

"I'm tired of living in a place like this," Maxwell said sadly. "I don't even want to go to sleep. I only wish my dreams would take me away to a place I would call home."

"Hopefully, someone adopts us." Daisy said as she tried to encourage Maxwell for a better future. "Someone that isn't like Mrs. Brookshire at all. A warm bed, toys, parents like Mr. Brookshire who is much more kind. What are the possibilities!"

"I think I have to sleep through this." Maxwell said, climbing onto his bed that is about to fall apart. "It's hopeless, Daisy. I just want to kill myself."

"Maxwell,I know life isn't supposed to be like what we are at. There are people like Mr. Brookshire that would make anyone smile."

"But Mrs. Brookshire merely hates Mr. Brookshire. Why are they even together in the first place?"

The realization struck Daisy, almost like a stone that hit her on the head.  "You're right. I only wish someone broke in the window and saved us. In fact, I'll open the window so someone could do such a thing."

Daisy opened the window as a cool, gentle breeze sifted through while the pesky bugs kept out. It was better than the sweltering heat that was hot like a Finnish sauna, but uncontrollable and unbearable.

"Goodnight, Daisy."

"Night Maxwell."

Later,Falkner and Moloko flew up to the same window that Daisy opened the window for cool air. "Wow," Moloko said as she looked in the window, "These children, I can feel an aura from them right here."

"I got an idea." Falkner said, "Moloko, move down a bit so I can get in the window."  Moloko floated down a tad bit so Falkner could use the milky white whale as a platform. Falkner used his talons to break the mesh window screen into the room, which was making noise that sort of woke up Daisy and Maxwell.

"Ah, they're still sleeping." Falkner said, "Maybe my feathers would wake them up." Falkner opened one of his wings and began to rub his feathers onto Daisy. The young girl sneezed loud enough to wake her up.

"Bless you." Falkner said.

Daisy looked around and saw the falcon standing by her bed. "Who are you?" Daisy asked in curiosity. "Did you wake me up?"

"Possibly," Falkner said, "Anyways, the name's Falkner. Look out the window and you'll see my friend Moloko." Daisy got out of her bed and noticed the hole Falkner made from the screen. "Wow! A flying whale!" Daisy said in awe. "Can I pet you?"

Moloko floated up as Daisy stuck her arm out and began to pet the whale."You're...soft!" Daisy said, "Soft like a giant pillow!" Moloko squeaked happily as she spun around.

Daisy needed to tell Maxwell immediately of the amazing sights there are outside. "Maxwell,wake up!" Daisy shook Maxwell as hard as she could. "Wake up!" Maxwell spun around on his bed and eventually woke up. He fell off his bed in terror to see Falkner, who was taller than Daisy and had his wing around the young girl.

"Who are you?!" Maxwell yelled in fear, "Are you a living nightmare!?"

"Nonsense," Falkner said, "Calm down, child. I will not hurt you like that human you deal with everyday."

"How did you know about Mrs. Brookshire?"

"Hmph. Me and Moloko saw you two from the skies above, on the clouds, I should say. My other friend is outside. Come see her, she won't hurt you as well." Maxwell stood back up and looked out the window, also noticing the hole as well.

"Just a question, um--"


"Ah! Falkner! How did you get in here in the first place?"

"Talons, my friend. Look down." Maxwell looked down to the floor and saw these humongous talons that could carry a large dog. "That's pretty sharp." Maxwell said, "So where's your other friend?"

"Right behind you!" Moloko said as she nudged the window. Maxwell was surprised and approached Moloko. "She's very soft," Daisy said,"Pet her!"

"Daisy?!" Maxwell was rather surprised.

"Falkner woke me up."

"Well, if you insist."

Moloko purred like a cat as Maxwell petted the floating whale. "You're right," Maxwell said, "It's very soft!" Maxwell leaned up on Moloko as she purred even louder.

"Now, you two," Falkner said, "I want to tell you why me and Moloko are here. We saw you two live your lives in this miserable home just recently. And we feel real bad for you, so I have a plan. Look at your hands after you petted Moloko."

Daisy and Maxwell noticed a sort of dew on their hands. "What's that?" Daisy said,

"That's Whale Dew," Falkner said, "It makes you fly if you don't have wings. That's why Moloko can fly along with so many others that live up above. It's uncommon, but I guarantee that you will have this even if you shower. Unfortunately, it does have a smell that lingers." Daisy and Maxwell took a whiff from their hands and smelled something similar to salt in the ocean.

"It smells like the ocean!" Daisy said,

"An Oceanside town!" Maxwell chimed in.

Falkner laughed while accidentally letting out a little squawk. "Now what could you do with a little bit more whale dew?" Falkner asked while crossing his wings. "Just a handful isn't enough to make one fly, right?"  Daisy and Maxwell looked at each other and went through the hole Falkner made with his talons and got on Moloko's back. The milky white whale looked up at the two children on her back and began to fly along the starry night skies with Daisy and Maxwell.

"Wait for me!" Falkner said as he crawled through the hole and flew up alongside Moloko while hopping on the clouds for a much better takeoff.

From the Skies AboveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora