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   With their appetites satisfied, Maxwell and Daisy only have one mere concern; a place to sleep peacefully. Most of the resident's homes were tree houses made of sticks and leaves, somehow like a temporary survival fort, but much, much stronger.

    "Falkner?"Maxwell asked, "Where are we going to have a tree house?"

    "Well," Falkner replied, "I think it depends on where you want this tree house."

    "But who would build it?" Daisy joined in,

    "Ah, I know. These brothers are very skilled in building tree houses. They even built mine when I was a young fledgling. They're known as their name Dalos and Kraelos, two chipper bats ready to build you a home. Even if they're bats, they'd still stay awake just for you!"

    "Did somebody just say...?" Two figures swooped through the branches and hung over a branch that Falkner, Maxwell, and Daisy were under.



    "At your service!"

    The two bats landed on the branch the three were at and bowed. "Hiya Falkner!" Dalos greeted, "And these must be those two children that everyone's talking about!" The two bats extended their wings and shook the hands of Daisy and Maxwell.

    "I'm Daisy,"

    "And i'm Maxwell."

    "Daisy and Maxwell, eh?" Kraelos squeaked, "Pleased to meet ya!"

    "So I hear you two need a tree house?" Dalos interjected to keep in sync with his twin brother. Daisy and Maxwell looked at each other in happiness as they felt so thankful for Falkner summoning these two.

    "Yes we do!" Daisy said,

    "But we do not know where to put it," Maxwell chimed in, "I am afraid we would fall."

    Dalos and Kraelos laughed like hyenas at the mere thought while Falkner felt rather awkward at the two bat twins. "Nonsense!" Kraelos began, "It's a law here to keep tree houses sturdy so they wouldn't fall!"

    "And if we didn't support those tree houses," Dalos chimed in, "We wouldn't be building any tree houses!"

    "And maybe in jail," Kraelos, feeling like a buzzkill, crossed his wing sand drooped his head. In just one quick second, Kraelos jumped in the air and opened his wings."Who wants to find a place to build?!"

   Daisy and Maxwell jumped happily while chanting "Me! Me! Me!" with Falkner laughing along. "Well, I will see you two around,"Falkner said as he jumped up and flew to Moloko, who waved at Daisy and Maxwell while she went home with Falkner.

    "Now let's build this house! You two will be our interior decorators! What you two want, we'll build it! But first, it's up to you two to find a nice spot."

    "Lead the way, Daisy and Maxwell!"

    Daisy and Maxwell flew up pretty high, eventually finding a branch that somewhat sticks out of the Sky Tree, with a magnificent view of the skies and the land below them. "Oh! I love this spot!" Daisy said, "The view! The sky!"

    "And look!" Maxwell chimed in, "We can see so much as well in the tree!"

    "Are ya sure you like this spot?" Kraelos said, "Take your time, we'd build even when you're sleeping."

    Maxwell thought about this, but Daisy liked this spot the moment she spotted it. "Maxwell?" Daisy asked, "What do you think about this spot?"

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