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The stars twinkled like glitter reflecting off a calming moonlit night. Moloko dived through a patch of clouds with Falkner right behind her. Daisy and Maxwell grabbed a bundle of clouds and began to sculpt clothing accessories like top hats and mustaches and placing them on each other. They giggled happily as Falkner landed on the whale's back.

"Having fun there you two?" Falkner said,

"Because the Sky Tree is up ahead!" Moloko squeaked, as a massive tree in the sky was seen in the distance. Many other sky dwellers flocked to the tree fort as well along with other sky whales. Moloko called out in sonar to tell the whale traffic control that she is coming to dock by a branch.

A deeper sonar replied back, telling Moloko she is clear to dock on a branch of the tree. "That means we're clear," Falkner said. "Dock by Anto's, Moloko." The whale nodded and went up to a tree house that was almost at the very top of the massive tree while going through the leaves and smaller branches. Maxwell noticed something about these tree leaves; they move to the side by themselves right ahead of Moloko, like a crowd moving to the side to let a celebrity through. Eventually, Moloko slowed down and docked successfully by a much larger branch that was big enough to support many sky dwellers.

"Hey Maxwell?" Daisy asked, "Where's Falkner?"

"Over here!" Falkner chirped as he stood on a much smaller branch with his wings on his hips. The falcon leaped up into the air and glided down to the branch Moloko docked on. "Moloko, let your fin down."

"Aye aye!" Moloko used her fin as a platform to let Daisy and Maxwell off the whale. Maxwell was shaking in fear as he thought he would fall off the branch into the leafy abyss below. Daisy however, just slid off Moloko as if she were a sliding board. "Come on Maxwell!" Daisy said, "It's like a sliding board!"

Maxwell took a deep breath and began to slide off Moloko until he realized that it's not even that scary in the first place!

"There ya go!" Falkner said as he patted Maxwell's back. "Right up here is where Lieutenant Anto is. She agreed for me and Moloko to devise a plan for you to run away from that cruel human. She's eager to see you two."

Lieutenant Anto, a kestrel along with some other comrades sat diligently at the briefing table with Moloko looking through a small hole for her.

"They're here, Lieutenant." a flying squirrel said.

"Excellent." Anto said, "Let them in."

A curtain of vines opened up to reveal Falkner, Daisy, and Maxwell."Falkner, welcome back." Anto said as she flattened a massive scroll on the briefing table. "Just in time, the plans are ready."

"Lieutenant," Falkner said, "Please do tell us your plan. We do not want to make the cruel human owner suspicious that you two are gone."

"That means we have to go back?" Daisy cried, "I don't want to go back! I want to stay here!"

"Yeah!" Maxwell said as well, "Never ever!"

"Don't worry, children." Anto said, "I am a very good planner after all, and had a perfect idea for you two, as I will begin. Falkner has given me a brief description of the house you live in and the personality of the cruel master."

Falkner lifted up a small bag of dust nearby. "The bag Falkner has here is enough whale dew for you two to fly for a couple of years." Anto began, "We'll sprinkle it on once briefing is finished. Anyways,the plan is to taunt your cruel master."

"Taunting?" Maxwell said, "As in making Mrs. Brookshire angry?"

"But that's a bad idea!" Daisy protested, "She'll beat us even more!"

"Ah, but here's the catch you two," Anto spoke, "You just have to fly higher and to get away from her. Perhaps taunt her while you two are on the roof."

"I get it now!" Daisy said, "Maxwell, we can fly as high as we can away from Mrs. Brookshire and go on the roof! She'll never get us there!"

"But there's a fire department that has those long ladders." Maxwell addressed in concern.

"Alright you two, this is where Falkner and Moloko come in. We will surprise, er, what's her name..."

"Which one?" Falkner asked, "Daisy, Maxwell, what was her name?"

"Mrs. Brookshire." The two of them answered at the same time.

"Ah." Anto remembered, "Thank you very much. Anyways, Falkner and Moloko will surprise Mrs. Brookshire by flying right over her house. Did you hear that, Moloko?"

"Got it!" Moloko bellowed nearby.

Anto nodded. "The plan is all set. To recap so you won't forget; we will sprinkle the whale dew so you have the ability to fly, taunt Mrs. Brookshire by flying to the roof of your home, and wait for us. Got it?"

"Aye aye!" Daisy and Maxwell chimed in together.

"Now, hold still you two, this is just the beginning." Falkner grabbed the bag of whale dew and began to sprinkle it onto Daisy and Maxwell gently. The dust fell on them like snow falling gently on one winter's day. The dust levitated the two children up in the air and tried to control where they were going. "I see you're getting used to it already." Anto declared. "Falkner, Moloko, let the plan begin."

Falkner, Daisy, Maxwell, and Moloko saluted and went out of Anto's briefing room to a branch where the children and Falkner can easily follow Moloko out of the tree. "Moloko, lead the way."

Moloko bellowed a sonar to see if she is clear to leave the Sky Tree. A higher pitched sonar call replied back and Moloko flew through the leaves as Falkner followed behind. "The sun is about to rise you two!" Falkner said, "Fly!"

Daisy and Maxwell held hands and jumped off the branch and eventually catching up to Falkner. Down below the clouds, the four can see the nearby towns from above along with the flickering lights of homes and streetlights below.

"We're almost there!" Moloko announced as she dived steeply below the clouds. Daisy and Maxwell landed on a small cloud and separated it from a bigger cloud to see where Moloko was going.

"Over there!" Daisy exclaimed while Maxwell followed right behind. The two children found Falkner standing on the roof of their home while crossing his arms. "Now, shall we let the plan go into action?" Falkner asked,

"Aye aye!" Daisy and Maxwell replied. The two crawled back in the hole to their shoddy bedroom while watching Falkner and Moloko fly back up to the skies above. Maxwell sighed in sadness as well as Daisy, who wanted to get out of this hell they're living in as soon as possible.

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