Chapter 4

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A/N: Still sick and my medication is making me really sleepy and hazy so this is the only story I'm updating this week although I have a part of the next This Girl Just Wants to Have Fun chapter done.

Also, those of you who write, want some feedback on your work and a chance to win a shout-out to my fans might want to check out The Contests Book, chapter October Challenge (link in the comments and as an external link).


Our eyes locked as soon as he lifted his gaze at the sound of the bell chime. My heart beat into my head as I was pulled towards him by some invisible force. I could feel glances and stares from the other staff members and customers, but I didn't turn to them; I wasn't ready to let go of the gorgeous sight before me.

He was wearing a shirt again, a white, flawless button up, which surprisingly had no name tag, and I could see the edge of something black around his waist. His brown hair was the same as before - ruffled, and as I sat down at the bar, right before him, I had to restrain myself from reaching forward and running my fingers through it.

"Hello," I said, giving him a tentative smile - he was surprised to see me there, but how would he react once he got over it? - and leaned my elbows on the surface he'd been cleaning when I walked in.

"Hi!" His tone was high-pitched and he grimaced before he greeted me again, this time his voice coming out normal:


One of his colleagues - I could tell by the black apron with the café logo on it; the same as what my mate had around his waist - approached us. The thirty-something fit guy raised an eyebrow at the teen, but the boy shook his head - an unambiguous sign of 'it's okay'; the man got back to his work and I suppressed a relieved sigh at the notion that my mate didn't want me kicked out.

That was definitely a good start!

"What are you having?" He asked in a slightly too carefree to be genuine inflection and my elevated mood decreased; perhaps we weren't off to as good of a start as I'd thought.

I did my best not to show my disappointment and kept the smile on my face and my tone casual.

"What do you recommend?"

He glanced behind him to the large chalk board that had a menu scribbled on it.

"I don't know what you like," the boy replied, still scanning the black surface for ideas.

"Something not too sweet and with a rich texture." I told him when he turned back to me. "Not too watery and in a large quantity."

I was going to need that; I'd been so nervous at the prospect of meeting him that I hadn't slept well the previous night.

"An extra large coffee with extra cream then?"

I gave him a nod.

"Would you like a drawing with that?"

"A drawing?" I repeated, my eyebrows furrowing.

"Yes, I can use the cream to make a drawing of something. What would you like?"

"A wolf." He had barely posed his question when the word left my mouth.

"You like wolves?"

My eyes drifted away from his beautiful face and to his hands. I watched in owe as he poured the cream onto the coffee, twisting his wrist this way and that way, effortlessly forcing the white liquid to form into a wolf's head.

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