Chapter 33

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A/N: I've taken on a challenge of writing a story of at least 10K words in August. Instead of starting a new story though, I'm putting the 10K in WATA. What does that mean for you?

Instead of the four chapters I planned to upload this month (one each weekend), you'll get at least six WATA updates in August!

Enjoy :)

PS: Chapter dedicated to CHLOERedWolf. Thanks for the comments! x


All of my relatives turned to look at us as we walked into the kitchen.

"Everett was here earlier. He..." My youngest brother began, but mom cut him off:

"And since when do we start a conversation like this?" She scolded at him. "Good morning, Rhys, Riley. How did you sleep?"

Whatever Everett had been here for, it wasn't to tell them what had happened between him and his son. My mother wouldn't be smiling so genuinely at my mate and me if he had.

"Good morning. And well, thank you," Riley was first to reply.

"Good morning, mom," I also greeted before kissing her on the cheek. "Dad." I nodded as two toasts jumped up the slots of our toaster.

He nodded back.

"The bacon will be ready in a couple of minutes." He jerked his hand and the meat flipped before landing back in the frying pan.

"Butter, Riley?" Mom asked, holding one of the toasted bread slices.

"Yes, thank you."

"You don't have to say 'thank you' after everything, dear. Everett was here earlier and he told us about the meeting," she added as she turned to me.

So I'd been right; he wasn't here to talk about Alec.

"You mean, he told you and dad about the meeting." Kennedy crossed his arms over his chest. "Carter and I don't know anything."

"You know there are no developments, right?" Mom asked and my youngest sibling nodded. "So you know something," she concluded.

He groaned and uncrossed his arms. His bright gaze fell on my mate and Kennedy tilted his head to the empty chair beside him in a silent invitation. Riley had barely set down when the younger boy whispered something into his ear. I could hear the sound, but I couldn't make out the words, not from where I was standing and while in human form.

Nevertheless, I was sure he'd asked whether I'd given Riley more information about last night.

"Kennedy!" The warning inflection in my mom's voice told me she'd come to the same conclusion.

"I want to know, mom! I'm a part of this pa..."

My heart skipped a beat.

"Community," Kennedy quickly corrected himself. "I have the right to know."

I opened the fridge and rummaged inside it to hide how Kennedy's almost slip-up had startled me. Not wanting Riley to get suspicious, I exhaled slowly to collect myself and took out a bottle of tart cherry juice to serve as my reason for suddenly ignoring him.

"You know almost as much as the adults do," mom insisted. "Which isn't much at all. What you don't have to know is the details, Kennedy. Believe me, they are not pretty." She placed a plate full of buttered toasts in front of Riley. "How is the bacon coming along, Tom?"

"Done." My dad reached for another plate and placed the fried meat in it.

"Riley, do you want to eat with Rhys here or in the dining room?" Mom asked.

We are the Answer {boyxboy} ✔ (Dogs, Bats & Monkeys series, Book I | Rhys)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora