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the door bursts open and masked men with automatic weapons walk in. Their was a little shuffling before a man emerged through the crowd of black. We all stand up quickly facing him.
His blue eyes search before landing directly on me. His eyes stare a me, and I look back at him. I look at the man from my nightmares. The man who haunts my dreams. The man who stole my childhood, my family, my mum. Gordon John Brandel.
"Hello boys"

Kensi POV
Tired of being left behind even though he's MY partner and I've known him the longest, I walk out and lean on the balcony, only to be followed by Sam, Callen, Gibbs, Ziva, McGee and Hetty. The door burst and a man comes out through the sea of black. My eyes widen at who it was.
"That's Brandel" McGee whispered. The 4 of them are stuck by themselves down there. I quickly catch a glance of my partners intense blue eyes, only to see them laced with fear. I feel so helpless up here, guns aimed at me while the man that I love is down there. No, while my partner is down there. Damn! I said the L word again! There lips moved but I couldn't hear anything. What was going on down there?

Deeks POV
"W-w-what are you-" I stuttered, struggling to get the words out. Being the only people in the building, there was no one who could help us. Guns were pointed at my team and the DC team on the balcony. Guns were pointed at Kensi. Brandel advanced towards us slowly, instinctively, we stepped back.
"Miss me? Cause I sure as hell have missed getting my revenge.....especially on you, Martin."
His voice saying my name made the hair on my neck stand up. Violent memories flooded my mind and I began to physically shake. Brandel's mouth turned up into and evil grin, sending more memories into my mind.

A comforting, strong arm wrapped around my shoulders, causing my body to slowly relax until I finally stopped shaking. I turn back to see Matt slowly releasing me and pushing me behind him.

Matt POV
"You're not getting revenge on anyone. I- I won't let you hurt us anymore." I said, hoping my voice didn't mirror the terror that I was feeling.
"How dare you speak to me like that boy! I will cause you more pain than I did before, remember. You disobeyed me." His right eyebrow shot up and my head bowed down as images of my dead foster parents flowed into my mind. Just because I broke his rules. I shook my head and looked back up.
"I was young then, small. I barely remember you." There was some shifting and the others stood next to me. He snickered at us.
"I am your father. I have the power of knowing that you all have photographic AND eidetic memory. You forget nothing....and neither do I."

He stepped forward until he was a meter away from me. He quickly closed the gap and I felt my cheekbone sting as his fist hit me face. His neck craned to get to my ears, he still smelt like alcohol.
"Don't ever, talk to me like that again."  He warned than stepped back to face us all.

"Martin leave your weapons and come on"

Deeks POV
I knew what he was capable of and wouldn't risk the lives of my team for me. I take a small step forward only to be pushed back by Mike.
"No! You can't have him!" Brandel marched up to him and threw him to the ground. He landed in front of the masked men's feet. Brandel nodded and feet swung back and forth, hitting Mike in different places. Fists rained down on him and I heard a sickening crunch.

"Stooopppp!" I screamed "Leave him. I'll come." The men toss him to the side as I slowly take a step forward.
"You still walk to slow!" He back handed me and the dragged me by my hair. From the corner of my eye I Tony and Matt covering Mike. Matt already had a bruise forming on his cheekbone. Tony ran up and I heard him smash into my da.....Brandel's back. I felt the grip on my hair releasing me, causing my body to crumple down to the ground. I turned around and started to crab walk backwards stopping when I see Brandel shove Tony to the ground and repeatedly slam his foot into his ribs. I knew that he had broken a few ribs from the force of Brandel's shoe.

I feel hands grab me under the armpits and feel myself being pulled out through the door. I tried to stop myself with my feet but they kept slipping. The last thing I saw before getting tossed into a black van, was the destroyed and broken face of my remaining family.

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