Chapter Thirteen: Revelations

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Nox and I were pretty pleased with how our comforter cocoon turned out. The blanket felt cool against my skin as I snuggled under it, my body as close to Nox's as it possibly could be.

"Hikari?" Nox said my name questioningly, trying to get my attention, as I cuddled against him.


"Don't be angry, but I lied earlier."

"About...?" I trailed off, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

"I do know a little more about how I came to be, but I wanted to speak with you about it privately."

I stared off in the distance, my vision blurring as I thought about what Nox just said.


"You didn't have to lie. It's not like he asked you about it," I said. I was disappointed that Nox chose to lie – I was sure that my face showed it all.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Kai will be angry. I'm not angry... I'm disappointed," I sighed. Kai always used to say that having someone tell you that they were disappointed in you was worse than if they said they were angry. I never endeavored to make anyone feel worse than they already did, but in this case my words rang true.

"I'll apologize to Kai. I think you should know this, though." Nox reached out to gently caress my cheek.

"If it's so important why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Nox sighed. "I didn't know earlier. When we were eating dinner it came to me - these memories or lost thoughts. I didn't know what to do; that's one of the reasons I lied – I panicked."

I closed my eyes, annoyance bubbling up in my chest. "What is it?"

"You're a magical girl. That's part of the reason I exist."

"I-I don't understand."

"Think about it. As powerful as wishes are, how many people actually have their wishes come true – at least on this scale?"

"Are you saying I'm a witch?" I sat up, completely flabbergasted.

"No, you're not a witch. I don't know how else to explain it. Magical things are prone to happen around you."

I rubbed my forehead. "Nothing like this has ever happened in my life – not even something remotely magical that made me go, 'hm, that's strange."

Nox seemed to hesitate before speaking. "I don't want to seem insensitive but... maybe losing your mom was the catalyst that unlocked your potential."

I considered that for a moment – losing my mom had made me go to dark places that I didn't know existed within me. Was it so unbelievable that it had been the catalyst for other things? Normally the answer would be yes, but as I stared at my ethereal boyfriend, I wondered about the possibilities.

"If I'm prone to magical occurrences and I made a wish for someone... to love me – among other things – does that mean you were really a figment of my imagination? At least, in the beginning when you were still in my mind?" I frowned, nervous about the response I'd get.

Nox laughed as he pulled me forward, onto his chest. "You silly girl, I'm not your imaginary friend. You wished for me, but you didn't create me. I was given to you by a higher power."

"A higher power...?"

Nox shrugged noncommittally. "There are forces greater than you and I that exist in this universe."

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