Chapter Twenty-Five: Traveling

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I was sure that my mouth was still hanging open. I'd probably had a stupid look on my face the entire way to the airport, going through the TSA, and even here, waiting at the gate.

"How on earth did you arrange all this? What's all this about?" I asked.

"It took a lot of planning," Nox admitted. "Kai helped a lot, and so did Nikki."

Warmth spread through my body when I thought about how much I loved my friends. Although it may not seem so, it wasn't always easy for me to be around people, and when I'd withdrawn it became damn near impossible. I wondered what I'd done in my past life to be so fortunate, but decided not to think on the matter too hard and enjoy the moment.

I leaned my head on Nox's shoulder as I played with the vial around my neck.


Nox and I were both surprised to find out that Kai upgraded both of us to first class. Nox muttered something about 'that guy thinking he's so cool'. I laughed, guessing that he wasn't super excited about being upstaged during his own surprise, but that he wasn't exactly upset about being upgraded to first class either. I gave his hand a squeeze and smiled.

"This is your first time on an airplane," I said suddenly, realizing that Nox and I had gotten to experience so many firsts together, and excited that we would get to experience so many more firsts together.

"Yes, it is. That was also my first time at an airport, and going through airport security, which was admittedly quite nerve wracking," he said.

"I think everyone gets nervous when they go through airport security."

"Phew." He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand in an exaggerated fashion.

"You look pretty tired," he said as he put the little travel pillow on his shoulder and patted it, indicating that I should rest my head.

The excitement of the day wearing off as we sat in the taxiing airplane, I felt exhaustion settle in and the area under my eyes begging for the mercy of sleep. So, I complied with his request, rested my head on his shoulder and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


I woke about thirty minutes into the flight and I had the urgent need to pee. Thankfully Nox was sleeping, his head leaning on the window. I made a mental note to shift him so that he was resting on me instead of the window. Who knows how long he'd been sleeping like that? His neck would be so stiff and sore. If it was, I thought, I'd massage it when he woke up. He'd enjoy that - physical contact and all that.

When I got back to my seat, Nox was awake. Barely awake and pretty bleary-eyed, but awake nonetheless. "Where did you go?" His voice sounded concerned and curious. Maybe he'd had a nightmare, surely that would have been something he hadn't ever experienced before.

"I went to use the restroom. Are you okay?" I asked, my voice laced with concern.

"I had a bad dream. I thought you'd left me, and when I woke up you were gone." Nox's face was so sad. My earlier guess had been correct - he'd had his first nightmare.

"Oh Nox," I sighed, "I'd never leave you. I'm sorry if I scared you, the next time I get up, I'll wake you up first if you're sleeping."

"No, that's silly. You don't have to do that. I just... it felt so real. You're here now, that's all that matters."

I kissed him and put up the armrest and held out my arm so he could rest his head in the crook of my arm. I stroked his hair until I heard his soft snoring. I rested my head on his. I loved this man so much I thought my heart would burst.

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