Chapter Twenty: Secrets Revealed

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(Revised version of Chapter Twenty posted on October 29, 2015.)

Tsubasa and Nox easily became best friends over the last couple of weeks. They hung out at work when Kai took Nox into the office with him and they frequently hung out at our apartment. Although we often went out as a threesome, there were times where I stayed home to do my own thing or went out with my own friends, while Nox and Tsubasa hung out.

Tonight was one of those nights. I was lying on my stomach in bed, reading Meteor Garden. Although it had been some time since Tsubasa had given me the book, I hadn't had time to read it between work, school, and re-connecting with my friends. Halfway through the book, my eyes started to get heavy. I glanced at the clock and note that it's only nine o'clock – far too early to go to bed when there was no school or work tomorrow. I rested my head on the bed, next to the book, and told myself I'd rest my eyes for just a few minutes; before I knew it I was out cold.


"Hikari?" A familiar voice called out to me as I wandered through the haze.

"Hello?" I answered back as I sat up, feeling the slightly damp grass under my palms.

"It took me forever to find you. Walk with me," the voice said. When my eyes adjusted, I saw Tsubasa standing in front of me with his hand extended. "Well, come on, I don't have all night."

I reached out to grab his hand and used it as leverage to pull myself up into a standing position. "Uh... what's going on?" I asked, somewhat stupidly, as I brushed myself off.

"We needed to talk."

"Is this for real?"

"I'm shocked that you'd ask me that, considering that your boyfriend lived in your dreams when he was first created for you."

"W-what? How did you know that?"

"Like I said, we need to talk."

"Fine," I said as I wrapped my arms around myself. The air around us was frigid, and I was freezing.

"Here, wear this," Tsubasa said as he shrugged off the black peacoat he was wearing and slid it over my shoulders.

"Thanks..." I trailed off, waiting for Tsubasa to talk as we walked aimlessly through the misty open grassy area.

"Hikari, what do you know about your situation with Nox?"

"Er... well, I made a wish on some lucky stars I folded, and then he started to appear in my dreams," I said.

"Yes, go on," Tsubasa nodded, encouraging me to continue with my story.

"I'd had a particularly bad day one day and told him I wished he was real – then the next thing I knew, he was! We don't really know how or why, but I know that I didn't make him up or imagine him. Nox say I'm a magical girl – that magical things happen around me, like I'm sort of catalyst for it."

"You're right - Nox isn't a figment of your imagination. Your brain didn't whip up what is essentially the perfect man for you, even though you did wish for him," Tsubasa said. "You're familiar with the story of how each folded lucky star saves a falling star, yes?"

I nodded. "I've heard the story."

"Nox is the soul of a dying star, reborn just for you. You saved him."

"W-what?" I stopped walking and turned toward Tsubasa so that we were standing face-to-face or actually, face-to-chest because of significant height difference.

"Yeah," he said. "And do you know how I know all this?"

I shook my head no – my long black hair swishing back and forth.

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