Chapter 1 ~ "My name is Cohen"

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Elodie's P.O.V

I walked out of Meadow Hall shopping centre with bags burdening both of my shoulders. I got up onto the train platform ready to go back to Elsecar.
With a sigh I dropped all the bags on the floor just to get my train ticket out of my coat pocket and mumbled my apology for the hold up.

I picked up all 8 bags wishing I had my own car whilst feeling awkward for being that unorganised, bag ridden woman travelling by herself. I tripped over someone's foot by accident trying to make my way down the carriage and a man caught me before I hit the cold, metal floor.

"My name is Cohen" he said standing me upright and packing everything back in the bags that had sailed across the aisle of the carriage. "My name is Elodie, sorry for troubling you" I said astounded.

"Honestly, you're no trouble, it's made my day to have seen someone as pretty as you." He said flirtatiously with his arm still around my waist like they were whilst he was steadying me.
I blushed, I don't know why I wasn't freaked out by a random stranger with his arms round my waist and flirting with me.

"Not as much as it has made mine to be in your arms" I teased back at him. Soon after we'd had a nice conversation and exchanged phone numbers we were happy to call ourselves flirty friends.

When the train stopped where I had to go we pulled into a hug and said goodbye and promised to talk again soon. I felt overwhelmed with a sudden happiness and a huge grin took over my expression.

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