Chapter 4 - First Date (Part 3)

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Elodie's P.O.V.

He returned with a huge wicker basket and a blanket under 1 arm. He stood by my side and lay down the blanket and put the basket on top of it.
"Help yourself" he whispered sweetly in my ear.
I knelt down not knowing what to expect and peered inside the wicker basket.

In front of me was a picnic, he knelt by my side and helped me unpack all of this. There were sandwiches, little cakes, chocolates and fruit.
"You, you went to all the trouble just for me?" I said feeling appreciated.
"Of course, only the best for you" he whispered holding a hand.

We tucked into this delicately prepared meal and cleaned everything up but the blanket. We both lay down side by side just appreciating each other's company. The silence wasn't awkward, it was affectionate, acknowledging of our feelings.

Cohen's P.O.V.

Her hand was warm in mine and gave me life, she was so beautiful and grateful, she really appreciated my home made food rather than being taken out to a restaurant. That's what I loved about her. Wait, am I in love with her? I mean, we share affection but we've never talked about us. I guess being on a date it would be a good idea.

"Hey Elodie, I wanted to talk, about us." I said nervously.
"Ok, we should do that." She replied rolling onto her side to face me.
"Well for starters, I know how I feel, we get along so-" she cut me off with a shy kiss.

"I love you Cohen" she whispered in my ear. My stomach flipped when I brought my mouth to hers. I knew then, that I loved her, loved her more than anything.
"Yes?" She replied.
"I love you even more" and I wrapped my arms around her, she felt so warm in my arms and everything around us seemed to fade as our contact made my heart melt.

We both stood up realising the time and I asked her.
"Would you like to stay round mine tonight?"
"I'd love that but I don't have any of my stuff" she replied.
"Let's go get it then, then you can see my place for the first time"
And she nodded in approval and the taxi drove off.

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