Golden Storms

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As Salam Alaikum (Peace be upon you) readers! Welcome to Golden Storms. If you are here it means you're in for a heart-wrenching yet exciting ride. This book starts of slow, but I swear to you it'll get better, just give it a chance. Please feel free to comment or message me about any feed back or thoughts or things you want to happen - who knows I might just surprise you :) Enjoy! 

PLEASE READ: * The events that occur in this book are not always Islamically correct and should not be taken as so just because the characters are Muslim. There will be many interactions/events that happen which will in fact, not be Islamically correct, so please ensure you are aware of this whilst reading. 

Furthermore, this book is open to ALL readers.  


Golden Storms

The tale of Falaq Aulaad é Khalifa (Falaq, child of Khalifa) began a thousand suns past, shortly after Islam spread to most of Asia Minor.

Between Persia and Arabia there lies the magnificent city of Tridari, home to the Tridarians who are neither Arab nor Persian but a people of their own. There was once a time when elites, scholars, artists, merchants and caravans from far and wide were drawn to the grand splendour of this ethereal city. This was brought to a halt by the tyranny of the House of Akram, with their army of Hashshashin (assassins). Walls were built so high birds no longer dare cross it. The city was plunged under an occupation of poverty, terror and frustration. Now three generations have passed since the last anyone ever saw of Tridari, or the Tridarians.

But somewhere in the gloomy abyss there is a flicker of rebellion. That flicker was first seen in the golden eyes of a girl child with her unflinching gaze and curled fists. And that gaze was met by the cold stormy orbs of the cold-blooded killer. This is their tale. 

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