24. C H A S E - P A R T ١

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A/N: hey stormers ❤️ hope y'all are doing well :) I'm terribly sorry to keep you guys waiting for SO LONG. I started this chapter countless times but I just didn't know how to make it worth the read and also fit with the plot. But I did see all your comments and messages on my board to update so here I am! *IMPORTANT: This chapter will have a second part called CHASE - PART ٢

I also wanted to say a big JAZAKALLAH KHAIR/ THANK YOU to everyone who showed their support while I was busy. It made my day to read your comments and receive your messages etc ❤️


Recap: Amaan approaches the Border Tribe and stumbles across an old comrade in his search for Ishtar -  both subsequently get arrested. Meanwhile the trio traverses the same Tribe, and Falaq catches sight of Amaan being dragged away by guards. He communicates to her that Ishtar is missing. Falaq decides to take off on her own to find Ishtar and flees the trio. She frees Amaan and Idegir subsequently. Hudayfa and Nuh rekindle specks of their past friendship, but this comes to a quick close as Hudayfa learns Falaq is missing. At the army, Taimur has captured Ishtar and names her Hadeel. Zuhair is pursued by a stranger who chokes him and stuffs a parchment down his mouth.


Loyalty is a double-edged sword


جُمَادَىٰ ٱلْأُولَىٰ

Idegir shifted his crippled leg to one side, sighing as he eased himself onto the cot. The charred remains of a once powerful limb was hidden under his trousers. It ached incredibly after an intense night of riding on a horse. He was far more used to camels, with their calm gait. But fleeing the first border tribe required the wind speed of the Arabian horse.

They were now in Russicada, the port city of their kingdom. Amaan and Idegir were wiser in their approaches this time, and the guards accepted them easily.

Their traveller's residence was simply a collection of wooden shelters, but it was far more luxurious then the places he'd been thrown into ever since he'd been parted from Amaan. He felt his chest tighten at the thought. How he'd been treated due to his crippling. How no one showed respect when they possessed physical power over one. His pride had been stamped into the dirt, scarring his very heart.

But it had taught him an important lesson in humility. For now he understood the position of the less fortunate.

The curtain door rustled aside and Falaq and Amaan walked in, greeting Idegir.

"How are you feeling?" Amaan asked, his deep brown eyes surveying Idegir with concern.

"I am well Amaan, stop greying your hairs" Idegir chuckled, "was your searching useful?"

Amaan and Falaq exchanged glances, then shook their heads. They looked miserable, and Idegir wondered who the mysterious woman was that they both cared about so much. He had never known Amaan to pay heed to outsiders in this way. He would have to interrogate his friend when he got the chance.

"Ishtar is not here" Falaq sighed, "she has to be in the desert still, or she somehow traversed back to the first town."

"She could be hiding" Idegir suggested, "and we have only spent two nights here. Give yourself more time" he finished gently.

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