Meeting the Enemy

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Hey guys! Sorry about the delay i've been really busy with work and everything. Then my sister passed away so I really haven't been myself lately. Thank you all for being so patient. I hope you like this chapter. Vote. Comment. Fan. Bye!

I sit in a dark room with my legs crossed and my eyes closed, and I hear a fimilar voice whisper my name.

'Vanna.' I stop and look around. I shrug, writing it off and close my eyes again and take a deep breath.




"Who's there?"

'Vanna.' The voice says again and I'm starting to get a little freaked out so I leave the room. I go and find Obi-wan.

"Hey." I say as I stand next to him.

"Hey. You alright? You look a bit shaken." He says and I nod.

"Yeah i'm fine. We almost there?" I ask quickly trying to change the subject.

"Yes. Five minutes tops. Are you sure you're alright?" He asks concerned.

"I'm sure. Hey did you hear a voice few minutes before I came in here? Was someone talking over the intercom?" I ask.

"No. It's been all quiet. Why?"

"No reason. I just thought I heard something." I say. He goes to say something but I don't let him.

"I better go get ready." I turn and leave. I walk out and I can feel Obi-wan watching me. I quickly walk towards my room. Before I get there I see Anakin sitting at a table thinking.

"Hey, Ani." I say and he looks at me.

"Hey." He says kind of sad.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I sit across from him.

"Nothin." He says and I give him the big sister look as he calls it.

"Come one, Ani. You can tell me anything." I say and he sighs.

"What's gonna happen to me? Or you? Or any of us?"

"What do you mean, Ani?" I ask confused.

"I mean the Jedi council didn't seem to like me. What's going to happen if they don't take me? Or what if they do? What then?" He asks me.

"Well. If they don't take you. I guess you'll move in with me and we will just stay togeather. And if they do take you you will go through padawan classes to get the basic force abilities and knowledge then a master will choose you." I say.

"But then we'll be seperated. I don't want to be seperated from you." He says and I scoot closer to him in the booth and wrap my arm around him.

"I know, Ani. But eventually we will be. It's going to happen, but we will always have eachother. And no matter where we are or how long it's been. I'll always love you, Ani." I say and he smiles.

"I love you too, Vanna." He says and we hug. We pull away.

"Alright. I have to go get my gear. Want to come with me? I could show you my lightsaber." I say and his eyes light up.

"Yeah! Come on!" He says and we goto my room and I grab my lightsaber.

"This is the most important tool a jedi has. Their lives depends on it. And the cool thing is that when you make one you customize it to your personality and likes." I say and he looks at it. I hand it to him and he takes it carfully as if he was handling fragile glass.

"Wow. This thing is heavy." He says and I chuckle.

"Yes it is." I say.

"What color is your blade?" He asks.

"Blue." I say.

"Cool. You like blue." He says.

"Yes I do. But i'm going to change the crystal later." I say.

"Cool. Can I watch when you do?" He asks.

"Sure." I say. I place my lightsaber in it's place on my belt. I sigh and we walk back up to the platform and Obi-wan and master Jinn are waiting with Pademe and the queen. Obi-wan is watching me but I won't look at him.

"We should find the Gugans." Queen Amedala says.

"Yes we should." Master Jinn says.

'Vanna.' I hear the voice again and I look around.

"Vanna are you alright?" Pademe asks.
"Huh? Yeah. Yes! Yes i'm fine. I'm sorry." I say.

'Vanna.' I hear the voice say again. 'Go outside.' I sigh and do as the voice tells me.

"Vanna?" Obi-wan says. I go outside and look around.

'Go to the trees.' The voice says.

"I have a bad feeling about this." I say as I go to the trees. I continue walking until I reach an open field. I stop just with in the tree line. I stay hidden and I see droids walking about. These droids are not like the rest. They are yellow and red. They are speaking to a hologram of the vicroy.

"I knew it." I say then I cover my mouth.

"Vocal pattern detected. Human near." One says. "Find the human."

"Rodger rodger." The other one says. I start to run back to the ship. I stop and think. If I go back to the ship i'll be leading the droids right to them. I can't go back yet. I turn to my left and start running. Soon I am surrounded by droids. I put my hands up and I am taken to the Naboo capital.

"Vicroy. We have captured one of the jedi. She assisted in helping the queen escape." The red droid says.

"Really? Let us meet this mighty jedi." He says and I walk up.

"This is the jedi? There must be some mistake." The vicroy's assistant says.

"Nope." I say with a smile.

"No. This is the girl." I hear a smooth deep voice that sends shivers down my spine. I look and see the red faced man. He walks to me and I clentched my fists to keep from shaking. "I saw her on the jedi's ship."

"Then. She must go with you." The vicroy's says.

"Yes. My master would be very interested in having a jedi to experiment on." He says and I can't keep myself from shaking. I have met his master before. He killed my master. The man chuckles and I feel light headed. Black out.

I wake up and i'm chained to a wall. I look around and go to grab my lightsaber. Wait. It's gone! I start looking around for it.

"Looking for this?" I hear the red faced man say. I look up and he is holding my lightsaber. I look at it. "Oh come now. I know you can speak. I heard you yell at that boy. Speak to me and I may help you."

I don't say a word and I look away. I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of hearing me speak. Especially since I know that's what he wants.

"You know you remind me of someone." He says and I ignore him. He goes to say something else by is cut off.

"Sir, the jedi have arrived!" Someone says and I look at them.

"All well. Looks like i'm going be leaving you here." He says and he leaves. "I'm going to have fun killing your friends.

"No." I say and I start pulling on the chains. When I do I get a shock. I groan and pull harder feeling the electricity flowing throughout my body. I pull harder and let out a cry as I continue to get electrocuted. Finally I pull the chains apart and use the force to break down the door. J then take off running to find the Sith lord.

"Stay away from my boys!"

Obi-wan's loveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon