Escaping Naboo

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Obi-wan and I sit quietly in the transport across from each other. I shiver slightly.

"Are you cold?" He asks.

"Nah! I j-just like s-shivering." I say sarcastically. He rolls his eyes and comes and sit next to me wrapping his arms around me for warmth.


"M-much. Thank you." I say starting to warm up. I'm actually surprised that I can form a real sentence being this close to him.

"Why are you so cold?" He asks.

"I just got back from spending 3 months on a desert planet." I say leaning into him more.

"Oh. That makes sense." He says. We sit in silence for a while then we hear a strange noise. "What was that?"

The noise continues. "Run!" We get up and bolt out the doors as the droids activate.

We start running as fast as possible. The droids get onto speeders and chase us. Running faster and faster with them right behind us.

"Go right." I yell at Obi-wan and he goes right but I am forced to go left. I continue running. I eventually find myself at the banks of a huge lake. I don't think I left the force guide me. I put my rebreather into my mouth and jump into the lake.

I swim down and grab onto a under water log and watch as the droids turn around and go back to base. I swim to the opposite bank and I resurface. I climb up onto the bank and sit there for a second running my hands through my long dark hair. My hair goes past the middle of my back. I sigh and get up and try to find Master Jinn and Obi-wan. I end up walking into a tall boney Gungan. I fall flat on my butt.

"Ooo mesa sorry. Mesa no sees you there." He says.

"It's fine." I say getting my bearings.

"Vanna!" Master Jinn and Obi-wan say in unison.

"Hey guys." I say as they each grab an arm and help me up.

"I thought you said 'go right'." Obi-wan says.

"I did, but I was forced to go left. The droids cut me off." I say as he picks stuff out of my hair.

"I see."

"Are you alright? You're not hurt are you?" Master Jinn asks.

"No, i'm fine. Where are we going?" I ask wanting to get the attention off of me.

"Mesa takin you to meet the big boss Nassa." The gungan says.

"Oh. While i'm asking questions. Who are you?" I finally ask him.

"Oh sorry. Mesa Jar Jar Binks." Jar Jar says. I nod.

"I'm Vanna Curchit." I say and he nods.

"Yousa a jedi?" He asks.

"Yes. Can we get going now?" I ask Master Jinn.

"Let's move out." He says and Jar Jar heads back to the lake.

"It's under water?" I say unamused.

"Yes you follow me now okiday." He says walking back towards the lake I just crawled out of. I groan aloud.

"I have a feeling you hate water." Obi-wan says as we follow behind Jar Jar and Master Jinn.

"No. I just got out if the lake." I say as Jar Jar jumps into the lake. Obi-wan chuckles.

"Yousa follow mesa now okiday." Jar Jar says and goes under. Obi-wan and I walk into the water and swim to an underwater city. We enter in and I am so fascinated by the bubbly mushy gel like substance I keep sticking my hand back into the water then pulling it back in. That is until Obi-wan grabs my other hand and pulls me away from it. We go into a big room with really weird gungans are sitting in a semi circle. I kinda zone out for some of the conversation.

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