Chapter 3

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I smiled as Hector handed Toretto over the money. Sure I didn't win. But in some small way I felt as if I did. My hand still tingled from when we shook hands. I thought that he would realise who I was when he looked into my eyes. But he didn't.

The new guy came up behind us finally and Toretto walked over to him as he got out of the car.

"Damn girl you almost had Toretto!" A guy said to me.

I shook a couple hands with a couple people before walking over to the new guy's car.

They had lifted the hood to reveal clouds of smoke.

"Oooooh." The crowd said.

I didn't hear the conversation they had but it must have been interesting according to the crowd's reaction.

"COPS !" someone yelled.

I walked through the panicked crowd over to my car and turned it on. That was when I saw her.

Mia Toretto.

I drove out of there fast, following Mia out onto the highway. We then took a side street and pulled up at a house I recognised very well and got out of the car.

I ran up to her.

"Mia!" I yelled.

She turned around quickly.

"Hi, do I know you?" She asked.

"Tay Turner, do you remember her?" I asked.

"Yeah I do, are you a friend of hers?"

"No, I'm her sister."

There it was.

Fast and furious. My version.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora