Chapter 7

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I yawned and stretched before looking around the room. I was lying on the couch with a blanket over me. Vince was on the floor next to me still fast asleep and the rest of the lounge room was covered with people from the party. I took the blanket off me and climbed over Vince careful not to wake him. I climbed over a couple other people to get to the kitchen.

I checked the clock on the wall while pouring myself a glass of water, 9.20 am. I walked closer to the fridge looking at the photo's stuck to the fridge. There was one photo with Dom, Mia, Vince, two other guys and Letty. Then one with just Dom and Mia.

I saw a photo sticking out from the side of the fridge. I pulled it out and gasped. It was photo of Dom with his arm around me. We were standing in his backyard. I wore a white summer dress like I used to. I looked away from the photo to see if there were anymore around the side of the fridge, and there was. This photo was taken outside the garage. I was in a piggy back position on Dom's back. Tay was standing on one side of us with Vince and Mia was on the other side.

Tears formed in my eyes.

I wished that things had never changed. I wished things had stayed the same and all that happened in the seven years I had been gone had never occurred. 

I heard a noise to my side. My eyes flickered from the photos to Dom's figure in the doorway. He looked at the photo's then at me.

"Why do you keep them hidden?" I asked.

"I wanted to keep them on the fridge but Letty said it would be better if I wasn't looking at you everyday."

"Letty doesn't like me?" I whispered slightly smirking at her jealously.

"I hate to say that she does."

"Why? What did I ever do to her?" I whispered loudly trying not to wake everyone up.

"I don't know."

I nodded and looked down at the photos.

"We were so happy here. We were a family." I whispered.

A tear fell down my face as I stared into the happy faces printed. Faces I couldn't recognise anymore. Especially my own.

"We still are." He said taking a step towards me.

But I stepped back before he could make it to me.

"No. No we're not. Tay was the reason I met you, and the gang. If she didn't become friends with Mia. I wouldn't have needed to come with her to the party and meet you. Tay was the reason, I became unbelievably happy." I said not looking up at him.
"You see this face. This was when everything was so simple. I loved you back then Dom and we all knew that you loved me too. Tay was like a sister to Mia and Vince was our best friend. This was when everything was perfect." I said as the tears kept coming.

I felt weak, drained, useless.

I collapsed on the kitchen floor and silently cried. Dom rushed over and held me in his arms. He picked me up and carried me outback, then set me in a chair.

"I still love you Lexi always have always will." He said tucking my hair behind my ear away from my face.

"If you did you wouldn't have left me at the party. You wouldn't have been as cold as you were to me." I said closing my eyes trying to fight back all the feelings that were flying around in my mind and in my heart. "You would have jumped me at the front of your house, you would be smiling, you would hug me, you wouldn't greet me like some person you casually knew."  

"I was shocked. When we were together everything felt perfect. Then it was ripped apart when you left. I was there holding Mia and trying to stay strong for her. But Letty was there, when I needed someone to talk to. When it became clear that you weren't coming home, I moved on. Did you expect me to stay alone?"

"Did you expect me to be alone?"

"Do you have someone in your life?" He said.

He tried to sound like he didn't care, but he failed.

"I've had so many people tell me I'm beautiful and they loved me. But I could never say it back, because I never loved them. I felt dead inside. I came back for one reason and one reason only. But when I saw you... my heart started beating again. Then I saw you with Letty and my heart felt like you ran it over with your car."

"I never wanted to hurt you."

There was an uncomfortable silence.

"So. Would you like me to leave?" I asked getting ready to get up out the chair and make my way to my car.

I had to toughen up, otherwise I was going to break down to the point of no return.

"What do you mean?" He asked with a confused look on his face.

"Well I hope you don't expect me to stick around and watch you be with Letty. When I could be out there enjoying life." I said hardening my expressions though I still couldn't look him in the face.

"Look it's your choice. You can stay. Or leave." He said leaving me all alone.

I wiped my tears before making my way back inside to pick up my things along with the photos and walking back out the door. I made it to my car when my phone started ringing. Pausing I answered it without looking at caller ID.  

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