Chapter 10

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Hey guys it's me Thebookloverof99. I just want to let you know that likes and comments mean more to me then you know so please. Like it, comment on it. What direction do you want the story to go. Do you think Dom should end up with Letty or Lexi. I would like to know because I wouldn't want to upload a chapter and you didn't like it. Thanks for reading.


When I got there I climbed out of the car to see Vince walking up to me with a rag in his hands. He cleaned his hands on his way over to me.

"Hey you." I said.

"Hey, do you want to help me with our cars or do you need to fix yours?"

"Wow you jumped straight to business." I said.

"I learned from the best." He smiled.

"Mine does need a check up. You don't mind do you?" I asked pointing to the empty spot in the garage.

"Of course not, no-one else is here yet anyway."

I climbed back into my car and reversed it into the garage. I got out and laid down on the creeper then slid underneath the car. I felt around the undercarriage for leaks then did a quick survey of the engine.

"Found a problem?" Vince asked with his head in the bonnet of another car.

"Nope, all good." I said wiping my hands on a rag that I found.

 "Whose car is this?" I asked chucking the rag onto one of the work benches.

"A friend of mine he's useless with cars." He smiled while rolling his eyes at me.

I laughed slightly sitting on a stool that was sitting close by so i could observe while he worked.

"So Vince, have you got a girlfriend?" I asked trying to start small talk and catch up on the seven years I had missed out on.

"No." He said smiling.

"What!? You're a nice, good looking guy, you should have a girlfriend."

"Thanks Lexi." He said slightly embarrassed leaving his head in the engine.

"Do you have your eye on someone?"

"Not at the moment."

"Oh before I forget here's my number to call me when I'm not around." I said tucking a small piece of paper into his back pocket because I knew he'd dirty it with his greasy hands.

"So tell me about Letty." I asked returning to the stool.

"What do you want to know?" He asked with a pointed look.

"How is it that her and Dom are so close know. Before I left, Letty was almost like a stalker, except we  talked to her." I said innocently.

"Well Dom needed someone to talk to and she was there. She had always liked Dom but he always had his eye on you."

"So as soon as I left she snatched him up before anyone else could take him?" I said shaking my head.

"Yep pretty much." He shrugged.

"Do you like her?"

"She's fun, loves cars, good racer. What's not to like?"

"Do you think she's good for Dom?" I asked looking down at the floor, I knew that I probably wouldn't like the answer but I had to know.

"Well we always knew that you were perfect for Dom. Strong willed, shared his love for family and cars, a tough bitch when you want to be and you can take care of yourself. But he's with Letty and it's not like you can kill her so you can take your place again." He said half joking half not.

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