Chapter Five

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I opened my eyes the next morning to see Beau still asleep. He looked so peaceful in his sleep; not at all like the ruthless, arrogant, fearless alpha I'd grown to know. A small smile crept onto my face and I sat up. A muscular arm reached up and hooked around my waist, pulling me down onto a rock solid chest.

"Ow, why is your chest so hard?" I grumbled.

"Pure muscle."

"Mmm," I sighed.

I rested my head on his chest and felt Beau's arms wrap around me. I closed my eyes and listened to the steady rhythm of his heart. Beau lazily and subconsciously rubbed his hand up and down my back. His eyes were still closed.

"What time is it?" I murmured.

"I have no idea. Do you want to ditch?"

"No way," I rolled my eyes.

"I bet I can change your mind," he said cockily, suddenly sounding more awake.

"Nope," I said stubbornly.

All of a sudden, I was flipped over and Beau was smirking down at me. He leaned down and slowly started kissing up my neck, sucking softly and running his tongue along my heated skin. I held back a moan and he pressed his lips to mine.

I kissed him back, linking my arms around his neck. He made a low sound deep in his chest and pulled me closer. Beau bit my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I smirked and kept my mouth closed. He growled wickedly and moved his hand up my shirt, caressing my skin. It went higher and higher, and slipped under my bra. I gasped and he darted his tongue in my mouth. Cheater.

I could play dirty too. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer. He growled and tried to tug my shirt off. I made no move to help him get my shirt off, irritating him. My shirt stayed on and my mate got frustrated.

He bit my tongue lightly and pulled back, brushing his lips down my jaw. He nibbled on my earlobe, making a gasp escape my lips. Beau kissed and sucked at the side of my neck trying to find my soft spot. He kissed the skin behind my ear and a tingle ran through my body. I moaned unwillingly and felt his lips curve up.

Beau kissed the spot again, making my back arch, and whipped the shirt off. I glared at him, but all he did was kick his jeans off so he was left in a pair of boxers. I realized my legs were still wrapped around his waist, and tried to remove them. His hands clamped around my ankles, and tightened my legs around his waist.

"God, why are you so crazy?" I asked in between kisses.

"Don't you mean 'why am I so crazy for you'?"

"I mean what I said."

Our kisses were getting sloppier and more desperate. I had both my hands on either side of his face, keeping his lips to mine. Beau's hands were everywhere. On my hips, my back, my face, my stomach, my chest, my legs, my hair. I knew what his wolf wanted.

His fingers were about to unclasp my bra, when I pulled back. He growled deep in his chest.

"Amabelle, do you remember what I told you the day we met?"

I gulped, recognizing it as a rhetorical question.

"I am your alpha and your mate. You are mine and only mine, and you won't tell me what I can or can't do to you."

"Stop treating me like some belonging! I know you're my mate and I know that you're to be my alpha once we mate. But you can't tell me what I can or can't do," I burst.

"You are mine. Understand that," he growled.

I wiggled out from underneath him and tugged his large shirt back on over my body. Beau growled again as I walked out of the room. I stormed downstairs and slammed the front door behind me on my way out. I started sprinting and heard the door slam again as Beau came after me.

I shifted into a brown wolf with shocking green eyes, and pushed myself as fast as I could go. Beau was right behind me, gaining every millisecond. A few miles later, a few seconds, I was in front of my house. I quickly shifted into my human form and jumped up to my window, pulling myself into my room. I shut and locked the window behind me, not wanting to deal with Beau right now.

In a matter of seconds, I heard a tapping on my window. I wrapped a towel around my nude figure and glared through the glass at my furious mate.

"Fuck off," I growled, knowing he could hear me.

"Amabelle. Open the window."

"I told you to fuck off! What part of 'fuck off' do you not understand?"

He gave me one last look before jumping to the ground and shifting into a big black wolf. My heart ached watching him sprint away, but I knew that this was better. My possessive mate needed a wake up call. I wasn't a belonging.

Tears ran down my cheeks as I watched his retreating figure. The black wolf creeping sullenly back into the woods. I angrily wiped the tears away. This was his fault! Why was I feeling so heartbroken?

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