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"Adrian, what are you doing on the countertop?" I dashed over to the seven-year-old and picked him up, resting him on my hip. "Baby, can you get Lily and Diesel?"

Beau walked in with Lily on his shoulders and Diesel giggling, holding onto Beau's leg and sitting on his foot. I grinned-Diesel loved to attach himself on Beau's leg while he was walking. It was like a ride for him. Lily would cheer Diesel on and sit on his shoulders, gripping his hair and wrapping her small arms around his forehead.

"Ready?" Beau was holding our suitcases.

"Yup." I kissed him on the cheek and locked the front door behind him.

We loaded our suitcases into the car and buckled the triplets into the backseat. The five of us were going on our first family vacation to Disneyland and the triplets were excited. This was their first time leaving Seattle and they weren't upset to be leaving home.

"Is Prince Charming going to be there?" Lily wondered as Beau backed out of the driveway and started down the road.

"Yup," I turned and smiled at her. "Do you want to take a picture with him?"

"Yes!" She cried out.

Beau chuckled and twined his fingers with mine, driving with his left hand. Adrian frowned and he and Diesel shared a look.

"What about Captain Hook?" Diesel asked.

"He'll be there too."

"Diesel, he's the bad guy!" Lily looked at her brother incredulously.

"What about Flynn Rider? He's my favorite!" Adrian grinned at me through the mirror.

"He's handsome." Lily smiled, then blushed.

"Lils, you're not supposed to think a boy is handsome until you're fifty!" Beau exclaimed.

"Fifty?" Lily gasped.

"Fifty. You can start dating when you're sixty, and when you're seventy, I'll let you get married." Beau was grinning at her-I was amazed at how similar he and Adrian looked.

"But by then I'll be wrinkly!" She protested.

"What about me, daddy?" Diesel questioned.

"Same for all of you."

"I'm never getting married!" Adrian announced. "Girls have cooties and they always chase me around trying to feel my hair!"

"Feel your hair?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah! Why can't they feel their own hair?"

Beau laughed, "did you know that your mommy used to chase me around trying to feel my hair?"

The triplets burst into laughter and Lily snorted, making all of us laugh even harder. I smacked Beau lightly on the arm and he kissed my cheek.

Beau's POV

I could hear the triplets' even breathing, informing me that they were asleep. We'd gotten a Fairy-themed hotel room with two beds. The kids shared one bed and Belle and I shared the other. Everyone but me was out like a light-it had been a long day full of rides, cotton candy, and lots of pictures.

I crawled underneath the covers next to my wife and cuddled up against her, feeling her back against my chest. She stirred and twisted to face me. Even after over seven years with her, I couldn't get over how beautiful my mate was and how lucky I was to have her. Her chocolate brown eyes fluttered open and a small smile slid onto her face.

"I love you," she murmured.

Even though we'd probably uttered those three words to one another thousands, no millions, of times, I felt like the luckiest man on Earth every single time I heard her say those words to me. I pulled her closer to me and pressed my lips against hers lightly.

My life had turned out so much better than I could've ever imagined. I had a family that I'd do anything for. This was especially important to me. Growing up, I'd never had much of a family. My parents were never a part of my life. Letting me move out was the best thing they'd done for me.

I'd been considered ruthless and heartless before meeting Belle, but now that I was with her, my friends would tease me about how much I loved her. The ones who'd mated and started their own families-Xav, Rett, Birch-knew what it was like and they understood just how much it meant to love a mate and to be loved by them. I would never be able to explain what I felt for Belle. It was too powerful to put into words. I couldn't ask for anything more than her love and was thankful for every single second she was mine.

"I love you too," I whispered.

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