Coma baby-Skyenja

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Mitch tried to end it all.

Oh coma baby

With blades and building roofs.

With your sick head

I found him broken and grey.

The doctors saved you

I tried to hold onto hope.

But your still dead

I slowly began to understand why.

Through your scalp I would like to reach in

Why he tried to snap the thin string of life.

So I could pull out the monster you've been

Because he fell in love.

But you would do anything to

His fragile body was just limp and cracked.

Destroy the body that they rescued

I'm sorry I couldn't get through the mask.

Your sick little head

So forgotten and pushed aside.

So brain damaged

Nobody even cared to notice.

Lying in that hospital bed

I'm sorry.

Coma baby

I love you

The cry of your bones.

It was obvious to late.

And your skull when it split on the road.

I could barely see from the tears in my eyes.

I wish I could find all the lonely remnants

The memories and laughs that were empty or rare.

Of you that left when your skull cracked open

I was so scared, I still am.

you would do anything to

His fragile body was just limp and cracked.

Destroy the body that they rescued

I'm sorry I couldn't get through the mask.

Your sick little head

So forgotten and pushed aside.

So brain damaged

Nobody even cared to notice.

Lying in that hospital bed

I'm sorry.

Lately I can't recognise you

The smile and bright amber eyes now grey and hollow.

The doctors lied when they said they saved you

It was too clear for me not to see it.

Your just the shell of the boy that you've been

Bringing you back was not an option.

And your dying

I love you.

I can feel it

Please wake up Mitch.


A long eery flat line sound pieced through the hopeless atmosphere, and Adam began to scream tears. Begging for the Canadian to wake up, that he was worth it. Adam's body went numb as Ian and Quainton rescued him from the room. Adam couldn't stop staring at the hospital door, his eyes wide in shock and fear. A ringing sound filled his ears, the sounds of his weeping friends only distant static.

From minutes to house to a day. Nothing happened, the ringing had stopped and everyone besides him and Ian were asleep. He looked over to the older male, his arm wrapped around a pail faced Jerome. The sigh that escaped his lips was long and deep, his eyes closed mid release and he embraced the arms of sleep.


Adam awoke to the strong smell of coffee and deafening sounds of the hospital. He sat up, his friends already up before him and their eyes were filled with the morning effect worry. Adam stood up stretching his stiff bones with a relishing crack. He turned to see Ian talking to a doctor, his face pail and tear stained. The American walked back running his hands through his hair.

"Is he okay?"

Adam's question was simple, but It was filled with concern and panic. The others gave their attention towards Ian. Ian's bottom lip trembled and tears streamed down his Red cheeks, his hand shook as he raised it to cover his mouth. Everyone took this as a sign, Mitch was gone....


Hello everyone I really hoped that you liked this and that I broke your hearts into a million pieces so yeah. Please put some requests if you have any and...


Mitch X Everyone OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant