Munchingcanadian - LABOUR!

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Tyler was at his desk finishing up the editing on a video, his eyes burned from staring at the computers screen, which was the only light source in his room, and he breathed out a relieved sigh as the video began to upload. Tyler stood up and clumsily went to his bed that was beckoning him in with it's warped sheets. Tyler collapsed on the bed and hugged the covers as he got comfortable and began to slip into a deep sleep, until his phone began notifying him that someone was calling him and the Canadian groaned, he rolled over to his desk and snatched the phone and his eyes squinted at his phones bright intrusion of the sleepy darkness. It was from an unknown caller, who on Earth was calling him at 1 in the morning for?

Stranger=Italic Ian = bold


"Hi, is this Tyler Christie?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"This is Brooklyn Hospital, in California. A Mitchell Hughes is requesting you, do you know him?"

"Yes, um do you want me to come over now?"

"Yes, and please hurry other wise your gonna-"

Tyler didn't let the female voice finish, he had grabbed his wallet and keys and he was bolting to his car. He started the engine and he backed out of the drive way, beginning to speed to Brooklyn Hospital and sweat began to form on his face. The urgency in her voice was strong and Ian immediately knew that Mitch as in some real pain or something was really wrong. Tyler parked his land Rover outside the hospital doors and he charged through them and went to the reception, a lady with maroon hair and navy eyes looked up at him.

"Hi, I'm Tyler Christie an-" "oh thank goodness, Donna he's here!" The receptionist called over to someone and an Urban haired girl ran over to him. "Hi Ian. I'm Christina, Mitch's doctor and I am aware that you have no idea what's going on, correct?" Tyler nodded as they quickly walked down the narrow crowded hallways. "Well, Mitch is in labour." She laughed nervously and Tyler stopped in his tracks. "What?! But...." Tyler was about to say they hadn't had sex, until he remembered the party that had happened about 9 months ago. "Okay. He just fell into labour, so come on!" She urged and the two sprinted into the labour section of the Delivery Ward. The two skidded to a stop and the room that they were about to enter was filled with agony filled noises, Tyler was anxious to enter but he pushed all his hesitance aside and ran in to the room.

Mitch was on the hospital in a light turquoise gown, two other nurses were with him one at the foot of the bed and the other was next to Mitch. Mitch was hissing and groaning and moaning in pain, Tyler unconsciously ran to Mitch and he grasped Mitch's hand in his, Tyler squeezed the hand firmly and Mitch turned his head towards him to weakly smile.

"I'm glad.... You're here." Mitch panted, obviously relieved that Tyler was by his side and Ian nodded with supportive grin. But then Mitch gasped and growled and Mitch's grip tightened, his growl dragged out into a long yell and his face was scrunched into pain. "Alright Mitch, just push and breathe." Christina ordered and Ian could see the blood rise to his face, Tyler bit his lower lip. "Come on Mitch, you can do this." Tyler encouraged and a thank full smile formed across his trembling lips, but then Mitch screamed and he threw his head back. "I love you, God fucking damn it Tyler I love you!" Ian was a bit over whelmed by the statement but he took it and pressed his lips onto Mitch's knuckles. After five hours of crying and screaming and cursing, the heavenly roar of a new born pierced the air and a relief filled whimpered escaped his lips as the blanket wrapped baby was passed to Mitch.

"It's a boy." Christina whispered and Tyler then felt how hard his heart was pounding, he saw several tears slip down Mitch's red cheeks and the Canadian chuckled with a breath that was almost nonexistent. Christina walked over to Mitch and slipped the baby from his arms, Mitch looked at her concededly but he could barely crane his neck to move up enough. "Don't worry Mitch, I'm just going to give him to Tyler while you get some rest." She explained and Mitch looked with saucer sized eyes, Tyler smiled. "Don't worry, I got him." Tyler reassured as Christina rested the wrapped up baby in his arms, Mitch released a calming breath and he nodded with a trusting smile. "Okay, tomorrow at 9 I'll come and make sure that your son hasn't got any blood problems or anything problematic, but don't want he looks healthy." Christina grinned innocently and she left the room, Tyler sat down in a chair and looked over his son. "Isn't he beautiful?" Mitch mumbled and Tyler looked up to see Mitch staring at their son with half closed eyes as he rested his head on the pillow. "Definitely. Mainly because he looks like you." Tyler charmed and Mitch shot an amused look at him. "When did you start thinking that?" Mitch questioned. "Since I first set my eyes on you." Tyler whispered, a blush blossoming on his cheeks. "I heard that." Mitch giggled and the blush continued to grow, Tyler then realised that their son didn't have a name. "Did you think of a name?" Tyler questioned and Mitch hummed an answer. "Yeah, I was thinking Gabriel?" Mitch suggested, glancing up at him and Tyler nodded in approval, Mitch chuckled. "I haven't had enough time to think of a second name, so why don't you do it." Mitch offered and Tyler gleamed with excitement. "Um.... Let me think..... Marcus." Tyler blurted out and he was about to disagree with himself until Mitch stopped him. "Gabriel Marcus.... I like it." Mitch recited the name and he grinned widely towards him. "Okay, I'm gonna get some rest." Mitch said and Tyler nodded. "Mitch." Mitch looked up. "Yeah?"

"I love you too."


Tyler was pacing back and forth in the hospital room with Gabriel still in his arms, Mitch was still asleep and it was 1 in the afternoon but Ian didn't blame him, he was in labour for five hours. A low groan came from Mitch signaling that he was waking up, Mitch's body shifted into a sitting position as the Canadian released a loud and long yawn.

"Morning." Tyler greeted and Mitch smiled sweetly at him, Mitch then reached his arms out and beckoned for Gabriel. Tyler walked over to Mitch and as he slipped Gabriel into Mitch's arms, he pressed his lips onto Mitch's for a brief moment before taking them off. The two stared into each other's eyes for a long period of time before they gingerly connected their lips, they began to move their lips in a soft motion trying to find out what each other liked. Tyler placed a hand on Mitch's cheek and his thumb caressing the flushed skin, soon the two needed some air and they pulled back. "That was nice." Mitch breathed, Ian chuckled slightly embarrassed and he stood up with a straighter posture. "Yeah." Tyler agreed with a silly smile on his face. Tyler looked down at Mitch and saw him smiling madly at Gabriel, who was holding Mitch's finger. Mitch was truly beautiful, though he looked like he'd been through hell, he still looked gorgeous. Tyler began to chew on his lip and he swallowed a sandy breath, he dug his hand into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small silky black box.....

Sorry for not uploading for a while....😭😵😖😓😥😰😦😮😟

BUT IM BACK!!!!!😁😄😆😃😂😈

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