I love you.....-Merome

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"Adam, I love you.... Please don't hate me."

Mitch repeated those words as he stared into his mirror, his face pail and eyes gloomy. He was silenced by the distinct figure of Ian behind him, the taller male leaning on the door frame.

"Are you finally going to tell him?"

Mitch nodded and Ian smiled

"Great, it's about time too."

Ian was the only one that knew about the affection that he felt for Jerome. Mitch sighed, he was honestly scared that it would effect their friendship. He guessed that Ian could sense it, because the tall boy embraced him in a comforting hug.

"Hey don't worry about it, you'll be fine."

"And you know this, how?"

Ian smirked and tapped his nose with his finger.

"A friend never tells...."


"Shut up Ian."

♥~♥Le time skip♥~♥

Mitch stared at Jerome, the older male's lips were tugged into a meaningless smile and his hazel occupied eyes scanned his phone. Mitch swallowed the dusty lump in his and he stood up, catching Jerome's attention.

"Hey Jerome, can we speak..."

Mitch glanced to Ian, who had his head rested on Pasley's shoulder he slept. Pasley looked up from her phone.

"In private...."

Pasley nodded slightly and Ian woke up with a yelp as the taller and older girl picked him up bridal style.


Jerome chuckled at Ian's outrage from being awaken from his short lived nap. The two love birds left the room, leaving them alone.

"So what is it that you want to talk about?"

"Oh um I wanted to tell you something?"

Jerome smiled and walked over to him, collapsing on the sofa next to him.


"I wanted to tell you..."

"I wanted I to tell you, Jerome... I love you and please don't hate me."

Was what Mitch was supposed to say, but he failed. Fear won over courage.

"That your invited of doing a Hunger deans live steam with me!"

"Really? Why was that need to be said in private?"

Mitch shakily shrugged and chuckled nervously.

"Ha, well thanks, when?"

"Um, next week.Well I'll see you later G."

"See ya weirdo"

Mitch letted out a stressed out sigh as he walked into Ian's room, he collapsed on the bed and groaned, Ian twisting in the chair facing him.

"Did you do it?"

Mitch ignored Ian's question and hid his eyes behind his arm.

"Where's Pasley?"

"She went back early, her sisters are coming over from Scotland."

Mitch peaked from under his arm in curiosity.


"Yeah, Nicole and Sammy."

"Oh, why'd she never tell us?"

Ian leaned forwards on his chair and rested his chin on his hand.

"She'd only just found that she had sisters a week in a half ago, her sisters had been taken by her dad and they remained in Scotland as she travelled from state to state."


Ian shrugged and turned towards him, clicking his fingers multiple times.

"Um you didn't answer my question..."


Mitch groaned and rammed a pillow into his face, he heard Ian sigh deeply.

"Why didn't you tell him?"

Tears pooled in the corners of Mitch's eyes

"Mitch, he'll never know that you love him if you-"

Mitch released out a quiet sob


Mitch lifted his head, Ian gave a him a sympathetic. Ian embraced him in a warm hug and Mitch letted his emotions fly.

"Oh Mitch."

Ian rubbed circles into his back as his friend spoke in his back.

"He's never gonna love Me, he's never gonna understand"

"Who isn't?"

Ian pulled away from Mitch and the two look into the hallway to see Jerome. Mitch ran out of the room, colliding shoulder with Jerome as he disappeared into his room.

"Iam, is Mitch alright?"

Ian sighed.

♥~♥Le time skip♥~♥

Mitch sat on his bed, his knees tucked into his chest and he cried, he cried like it was the end. Mitch fell quiet when he felt a strong arm wrap around his shoulder. Mitch looked up and met big caring eyes, definitely Jerome.

"Mitch, why didn't you tell me?"

"What? That I'm a stupid fuck-up, I have no life and that-"

Mitvh was silenced by a pair of perfect lips smashing into his, Mitch was still at first but soon melted into the unnatural embrace. Jerome pulled away from him and the two stared deep into each others eyes.

"That you love me"

Mitch was shocked

"How did you-"

"A friend never tells"

Mitch looked into the doorway and saw Ian tapping his nose.

"Mitch I love you"




"You too"

Mitch X Everyone OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now