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I lay flat on my belly under the prickly rose bush as lights of red and blue along with the unmistakable light from the torches scan the ground around me. I hold my breath as I hope they don't release the dogs.

"Are you sure you seen somone run down into the valley?" A woman asks. She must be close by judging by the hushed tone her voice carries but it's clearly heard by me.

"I am sure, it jumped out from between the two small houses up there and dashed across the road! Could've hit it if I hadn't looked to my side in time!" A man exclaims. The woman sighs as she continues on.

"Ya sure it wasn't a deer Chris?" The woman's feet stop inches from my face.

"It was a person!" The man can't let it go can he?

"Look up in the trees and under the bushes then too" the woman sound irritated but it's sort of her duty and the man, it was most defiantly somthing in the mans Tone that made him sound dead serious.

And this is when the tingling sensation began in my nose. Why now? Why now of all times why must I sneeze when there is a cops boot directly in front of me. I try to hold it with unimaginable power but I can't.

"AHCHOO" it echos off the walls of the valley as my head bangs into the lady's boot causing her to scream with a thump clearly indicating she had fallen, and that is when I hear the electricity in a taser, and also the moment when my mind went dark.

~time passage~

"Hello my dear" I hear a soft voice. I open one eye to find myself in a dimly lit room. The walls were pure white with the floor being a typical hospital type floor. The curtains were bright yellow with them wide open to reveal the window, Outsidee it was pitch dark out. The only ought source in this room was from a small lamp at my bed side table. The woman who had spoken to me was sitting in a small office chair, you know the ones with the wheels and you can't help but race on when the opportunity arises.

"I must ask you a series of questions, we know who you are and I may as well tell you there are guards prepared at every exit possible" she informs me. That's not going to stop me though. "First, do you remeber the night that your mother..."

"YES" I practically scream at her, even though it's been a year it's a touchy subject.

"Good" she says. What's good about being able to remember something emotionally tragic? For them yes of course clues but for me all that follows is a heavy weight of sadness and regret. "What can you tell me?" She asks.

"Well, let's see I remeber being horrified to find my mother dead" I am so done with this, I rip out the cords and tubes connected to me as I go to stand off everywhere and a crippling pain explodes through my side.

"I should have my be told you it may be a little sore" she giggles. That's it. That is what set me off. That giggle. As if my pain had been amusing to her.

Runaway HolmesWhere stories live. Discover now