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    "She will not cooperate!" The woman complained. She was on the phone with somone who I am guessing to be of importance. She was fuming mad after I had decided to express myself in some very colourful ways with a few actions that perhaps are better left never to be mentioned again, but did I regret it? Not at all.

"Mia Rose Holmes, we need someone who she will cooperate with!" The woman muttered. Oh boy will this be fun. No one left on the face of the earth will I cooperate with.

"Mia, do you know who your father is?" The woman asked bending down as if I was a child.

"Why the heck would I know?" I speak indifferently. I think I was giving the last name of him but there is probably millions of Holmes around the world.

"What was your mother name?" She asks once again in the same manner.

"Shouldn't you know this stuff!" It's silly. Would be so much easier to just look in my files. The woman rolls her eyes and walks away muttering into the phone.

"Okay, I'll be sure to pass on the message" the phone call finally ends as the woman strides across the room in a strut and stands at the foot of my bed.

"You mothers name was Adeline Hopper, correct?" She questioned.

"Duh" i respond.

"Just confirming, we have begun to search for your father, as we only have a last name to go by we have begun to call or contact all the possible Holmes in the world, we may be able to narrow it down within days but for now you must focus on recovering" she states then strides out of the room without a goodbye.

So within a few days I possibly will be in the care of my mysterious father? Ah pleasant considering he didn't appear to want to help in raising me. I'll probably be gone within a month.

~at 221b Baker Street~

   "John" Sherlock Called out to the quiet flat. The phone was ringing and he was in the middle of examining a small amount of blood from a scene where a woman had been killed by blood loss from her hands being cut off. A knife had been found in left hand across the room with blood on it and the grip had clearly shown she was trying to fight.

   "John!" He called out once again. This time John came bustling out of his room and huffed.

  "You really couldn't bother to reach across the table and answer it?" John picked up the phone and immediately answered it.

  "Hello?.... Yes.... Oh... Well I am afraid he is a little busy at the moment" John had a serious look plastered on his face as he looked to Sherlock. By this point Sherlock had perked up and watched John as he listened in on the other line. "Oh... Okay uh here I think he can talk now" John handed the phone hastily over as he took a seat across the table and rested his arms on the table.

  "Hello?" Sherlock answered.

  "Hello, is this Sherlock Holmes?" The man asked.

  "Yes" he answered thinking perhaps it was some case that the details had caused John to make such a serious face.

  "Do you perhaps know a Adeline Hopper by any chance?" The man asked. Adeline hopper? Sherlock hadn't seen her for years. She became crazy and moved far away. Never heard from her again. She was a spy for the government and often was sent to recover items from the flat.

    "Yes" he said.

    "We have found her daughter, she was given the last name Holmes after her father though she has no possible idea who it could be, would it be possible for you to come in for a blood test?" The man asks.Sherlock was speechless. She had a daughter? Holmes? "I see your brother was the only other out of all Holmes we could contact to also have known her, he has already agreed to a blood test"

  "Uh... Uh...." Sherlock stutters. John glances at him before Sherlock finally  gives a answer "yes"

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