"Hello?" A impatient voice answers.

"Why, isn't it a voice I haven't heard in a while?" The voice on the other side laughs.

"What do you need... Janson?" The man spit in disgust, the name that came with memories that would make anyone shiver.

"Why Sherlock? That's no way to speak to an old friend now isn't it? Especially an old friend who has someone special to you" Janson sneers.

"Like anyone could matter that much to me?" Sherlock says without hesitation.

"Hmm most fathers wouldn't be that cold to their daughters" Janson laughs. Sherlock tensed up as he almost realized someone was missing.

"Come at once to the old abandoned tea shop, I'll be waiting and so will she... If she lives" and with that the phone went off the hook leaving a shocked Sherlock and a confused Watson.

*Third Pov*

"Now my darling, this shouldn't hurt a bit" the man was quick with filling a needle with some clear liquid. "No need to worry, this won't kill you... At least for a while, but you will feel so much better when you wake up... That is if they come for you in time" the man laughs as Mia squirms in the chair she was restrained too.

   "Just remember, you don't matter to him, you don't matter to anyone anymore, anyone who ever cared about you will soon be dead just as you should be too" the man sneered.

    Mia gnawed away at the thin cloth used as a gag, seriously were they too cheep for some actual cloth? "You jerks! you-" The man takes a large chair and swings it at Mia knocking her out in a single swing.

    "Awe honey, you shouldn't disobey your elders" The man laughs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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