the disastrous trip: part i

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No one was allowed to touch Betsy. That was an unspoken rule in my place. But maybe I should've turned it into a spoken and constantly drilled rule because Arthur was not prepared for me when I came down to my room after my shower to find him fiddling with Betsy.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I shouted, pausing as I towel dried my hair. Jaw dropped, eyes wide, and my temper simmering, I stomped over, snatching her out of his grip and moving away.

Arthur held his hands up, eyes wide. "Sorry, I was curious."

I gave him a dirty look, gently rubbing Betsy's neck and praying that he hadn't damaged any of the strings.

"No one is allowed to touch Betsy," I growled, glaring daggers at him.

Amused, he tilted his head, asking, "Betsy?"

"Yes, Betsy." I moved around him to put her back in her casing and then turned to him with my hands on my hips. "Now answer the question."

He dropped his hands to his sides, shrugging. "Like I told you, I was curious."

"You still need to ask permission. What are you even doing in my room?" My heart was beating quickly from my boiling temper and I was trying not to notice the fact that his very toned arms were on display in his muscle tank. I didn't like when people touched Betsy, even if it was North, Kurt, or Aiko. They knew that and they respected that without me having to ask. It was practically, common courtesy not to touch another person's stuff without asking them.

He raised a brow, rolling his eyes at me as he faced forward. Stretching his arms back, he leaned on my mattress. "You're overreacting about all this," he sung. "But I'm here to ask if you wanted to come with me to drive around. I've been here for a week and a half and yet all I've seen is the inside of your house, the beach, and some of downtown."

I pressed my lips together, still infuriated by his guts to touch my stuff.

"Or, you can stay here and continue to fume childishly," he shrugged, tossing me a mocking brow. "Your choice."

Narrowing my eyes as he buckled his elbows and laid back on his folded arms, I forced myself to calm down. Deep breaths, I told myself. Deep breaths. After a few of those, I felt my heart beat slowing down and so I took a seat.

"Where were you thinking," I asked him, softly. I pulled the zipper of the case shut and then carried it back to its proper place.

He adjusted himself to watch me as I picked my towel up from where I had dropped it earlier. I headed to my mini kitchen, needing some comfort food. I pulled open the freezer and pulled out a package of Toblerone.

Leaning on the counter, I ripped open the seal and pulled out the foiled sweets while Arthur sat back up. "You put your chocolate in the freezer? Won't that make it harder?"

I smirked. That's what she said. "I like cold things." I tossed the yellow packing into the trash and snapped a piece off, unwrapping it from the foil. "So where were you thinking?"

"Anywhere, I just really want to see more of Southern California."

I glanced up at him, bringing the chocolate to my mouth. Sucking the chocolate (it was too hard to bite into), I thought over where I could take him. Los Angeles was a pretty great place, as many would hope, but they were only thinking of the regular tourist locations. I wasn't any familiar with all of the wondrous nooks and cranny places, though, so we would have to go there with the rest so we wouldn't be lost. I guess I could start us off with the typical places.

Speaking around the chocolate, I nodded. "Okay, I have just the place." I pushed myself off the counter. "Hold on, let me change."

As I rummaged through my closet for some jeans and a top, Arthur pushed himself off the bed. "I'll grab the keys."

Royal DisasterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora