Anastasia Lucendent Adela

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Surprise! A new book! I have really been wanting to write a story about a princess and I finally decided that I will! I sat on the idea for days before I finally started looking up names and facts for characters! Btw the stories point of view will change! (That's why it doesn't have chapter names) Also, my italics were not working and have now been fixed so I am going through my stories to fix that! Enjoy!!

  I know what you're thinking. You see a story about a princesses and think, what exactly is a princess?

Well, you might think of a few more things like: how many horses do the royal stables hold? or do the royal jewels come with the job?

But for right now, let's focus on the big picture.

What exactly is a princess?

You think more about it and come to the conclusion of a young girl with long golden hair as perfect as fine silk woven by the skillful hands of women seasoned with the work.

A face as gorgeous as if sculpted by the angles. Fine features with sharp cheekbones and a slender jaw line, the curve of her neck slim and smooth. A crown tops her head like a cherry on the peak of a rich dessert and a beautiful dress hanging elegantly off her shoulders.

You would think of a kingdom. Rich or poor, either way it is hoped that a princesses would care about the lives and living conditions of her people. A prince would possibly come into mind, and maybe even a dragon guarding her so a handsome knight will have to go save her.

I, unfortunately, most likely go against everything you just thought.

Now, I must give myself partial credit- I certainly fit the description due to many gracious genetics passed down from the handsome line of royals before me, but I am not what I seem.

Cascading curls of rich chocolate locks fall to my waist like rings of the earth itself. In the sun, glints of highlights glitter like the threads of fine golden treasures, and the hint of red inherited from my mother sometimes peak through the dark locks.

Every morning my maids visit my bedroom at the crack of dawn (or whenever I am forced to leave the comforting warm sheets of my bed) and fix the tight unruly curls that I naturally have.

My skin is flawless just like my mother, the queen, and all the queens before her. It remains a consistent olive tone and is easily tanned by the sun, different from my mother and some of my brothers who have soft fair skin.

My full pink lips and dark eyelashes were generous inheritance from my mother, although my eyes are dark brown like my fathers. On occasion the green of my grandmother's eyes will shine through like an emerald found from the depths of the royal treasury.

If you are a prince looking for my hand in marriage you would probably think I am the perfect bride. On appearance standards I am desirable and quite a prize.

The prince would get down on one knee and say with words layered in honey, "Anastasia, princess of the Five Kingdoms, will you take my hand in marriage?"

The phrase is one I have become used to. Bored, I would fight not to roll my eyes in slight annoyance to prevent a possible minor war.

I'm hoping my answer to this very dear question will get around the Five Kingdoms so every prince out there knows my answer.

I allow myself a faint fake blush as to let the prince know his statement is one of flatter and then say in a polite yet sincere manner, "I'm sorry, but if you want to rule a kingdom you need to find another princess."

The Jewel of the Five KingdomsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora