Anastasia Lucendent Adela

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  It was late the night before the first challenge and I was still wide awake. I refused to let my eyes slip closed and my mind wonder to places I would rather not visit. Instead, sitting on my window seal (which has become my favorite place to think) I read quietly with only a small candle to light the words on the page.

I glance out the window. Even at this distance I can spot the glow of the village bellow. Lights from lanterns and torches danced in the distance, a happy glow of laughter and fun could be heard from my window. Music, and celebration.

The Full Moon Festival is tonight.

The festival was created to celebrate the official start of the trials the princes will endure for my hand. It always takes place the night before the first trial, and first started in a hope that the full moon will shine down a path of greatness for the future king just as it did in the days of old.

I sigh, leaning against my window. When I was younger, my brothers and I would watch the festival from the castle and watch as the villagers danced and sang and told stories of spirits and monsters.

One time James and I had almost snuck out to get down to the festival. I was only nine years old, James was thirteen. He was always adventurous, a little rebellious as a child, but in a good way.

He held my hand as we stared down into the village. I remember looking up at him in the moonlight. His clear blue eyes had turned silver in the light, and his dark hair blew around his face in the midnight wind.

He held himself the way a king should, with his head held high and shoulders back, and even though I was young I wondered why I would have to bear the weight of the kingdom instead of him.

Even when he was so strong, and I believed him to be as infinite as the stars it was my destiny to take the kingdom. The idea wasn't real to me then.

We crouched behind a bush near the village, leading over to catch glimpses of the roaring bonfire in the center of the village. The beautiful young women danced and talked together around the fire in amazing multicolored dresses that probably cost them a years worth salary.

Handsome men that were bold enough would ask them to dance, and they would laugh and sing along to the tribal songs in words I couldn't understand.

  A story teller sat with young children and told legends with dramatic flare, the children's young eyes were large with curiosity.

I glanced around the village, trying my hardest to soak in ever detail. It was all too much for me at such a young age.

"James," I whispered tugging on his sleeve. "James, I'm scared. We shouldn't be here, I want to go home," I whimper.

James's eyes were hungry for freedom. He looked at the village as if that were his ticket to everything he ever wanted, yet he turned away and looked down at me.

He smiled softly. "Don't worry Ana, you have nothing to be afraid of," he said crouching down so he was on my eye level.

My tiny hands were shaking, and I held onto his hands so tight my knuckles were white. I tugged at him, and he frowned.

"But...but James, I am scared. I want to go home," I say with tears running down my face.

James wipes a tear from my cheek with his thumb, his expression kind. "It's okay Ana, I will bring you home. But remember- there are two types of fear. The type that controls you and the type that feeds your fire," he stands, and he towers over me by several heads. "Don't let your fear control you, Ana. You are stronger than you think. Let your fear feed your fire."

The Jewel of the Five KingdomsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora