Anastasia Lucendent Adela

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  The months passed quickly after James and Nella's wedding.

They went to a private castle for their honeymoon together and I was not surprised when Nella officially announced she was pregnant.

I was constantly busy. As the Queen of the Five Kingdoms I always had a million different task on my hands.

I devoted my time to nearly every problem in my kingdom whether it was as simple as unhealthy crops to as serious as murder.

Arthur scolded me for my nonstop working. "You can't please everyone, my dear Anastasia." He said to me one afternoon.

He had come to my office to help me with some of my more time consuming tasks.

My first act as Queen was to officially call off the contest for my hand in marriage.

Because of the recent events, I had no choice but to step in as Queen now.

I was pleased when none of the Clans opposed my decision.

Prince Andrew was killed in the battle along with Prince Timothy so it would honestly be no contest.

Arthur would win my heart either way.

I pulled my dark hair over my shoulder, sighing deeply as I took in the many piles of paper work. "I have to try. It's my job isn't it? I want to please my people." I say with a determined nod, smiling slightly. My job may be stressful, but I love what I do.

I am the most powerful person in the world and that means I can use my power to change lives.

What I didn't mention was that Arthur's presence was very distracting to me. Of course, he was a lot of help, but I always found myself gazing at him as he worked.

  He would always take off his suit jacket and roll up the sleeves of his white button down shirt as he worked. His tongue stuck out slightly when he was focused and every now and then he would run his fingers through his golden hair.

Arthur leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "And that is another reason why I love you." He says with a playful smile.

I smirked at the comment. "I just have too many good qualities, don't I? One cannot help being so perfect." I say with an exaggerated sigh and a shrug.

Arthur's eyes danced with laughter. "I am afraid so," he said with a smile.

Alex came by later that day to help as well, he has been noticeably more quiet since Philip died, but I was beginning to see some of the old sparkle in his eyes again.

I still constantly worried about him, and sometimes when I passed his room I could hear his weeping. I would come in to see if I could comfort him, and sometimes he would accept and other times he would snap at me to leave.

After the battle I was afraid things would never return to normal and now I realize they won't.

Is that a good thing or not?

Half of my family is dead, but I also got Nella as my sister in law and soon will have a niece or nephew, and I have Arthur.

My kingdom is in rubbles, but I used it as a way to show my subjects I can pull it from the ashes, and because of that I have gained a great respect from my people.

I know I will never be the same and sometimes that is a good thing.

I used to be a carefree princess that dreamed of doing something useful with her life. I felt like my role as Queen wasn't enough, I wanted more in life and I didn't want a kingdom watching my every move.

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