Sympathy For the Devil

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November 12th, 2009

St. Mary's Covent, Illechester, Maryland

They were in an empty hallway. Alex immediately wrinkled her nose. The entire place smelled like death. Dean took off down the hall. "Sam!"

Alex followed. "Sam!" she yelled desperately. They could stop this.


They rounded a corner, and heard a door slam close. They exchanged looks, then took off towards the noise. Up ahead, there was a wooden door. Dean got there first, trying the handle. It was locked. "Sam!" He threw his weight against it. "Sam!" He pounded on it angrily. "Sam!!"

"Dean?" Sam's voice came from behind the door.

"Sam!" Alex helped Dean try and break down the door. "Sam! Listen to me! Don't kill her!"

Dean was yelling the same things. "Open the damn door, Sam! Lilith is the last seal!" He looked desperately around, and, seeing a heavy candelabra, grabbed it, trying to bash in the door. "Sam!!"

The door didn't budge, not matter how hard they hit it. It was two minutes later before it suddenly gave in, and they rushed into the room. Alex froze. A body lay by the alter: Lilith. Blood poured down the stairs, pooling on the ground. Sam stood beside Ruby. Seeing Dean, she looked over, smirking. "You're too late."

"I don't care." Dean stepped forward menacingly. On an unspoken word, Sam grabbed Ruby from behind, a thick arm across her neck as Dean whipped out the demon knife. He stabbed her in the stomach. Ruby's face flickered with a yellowish light, and she let out a scream before going limp. Sam dropped her, and she crumpled to the ground.

Alex barely noticed. She was still staring at Lilith's body. They were too late. The blood moved like a snake, curling around to make a large circular pattern on the ground.

"I'm sorry," Sam whispered brokenly. He stepped back.

The ground began to shake. "It's starting," Alex whispered, voice trembling. They were going to release the devil. Lucifer.

"Sam. Let's go." Dean tugged him towards the door. Alex didn't move. "Alex."

"Dean . . . he's coming." Sam clutched at his brother's shirt, terrified. Light emanated from the center of the pattern, filling the room.

"Come on!" Dean yelled, dragging Sam towards the door. Alex followed, but froze when the door slammed shut. Dean rattled the door handles, trying to get them out. White light shot from the sigil on the ground, growing brighter by the second. A high pitched screech filled the room, and Alex covered her ears. She dropped to her knees beside Sam, shielding her eyes. The light continued to grow, filling the entire room.


Then it was gone. Alex cracked open her eyes. She was sitting beside Sam and Dean. The ringing in her ears faded, and she looked around, eyes narrowed in confusion. They were on a plane.

"What the hell," Dean whispered, opening his eyes as well.

"I don't know," Sam whispered back.

An intercom crackled to life. "Folks, a quick word from the flight deck. We're just passing over Ilchester, then Elicott City, and our final destination is Baltimore . . ."

"Ilchester?" Dean asked. "Weren't we just there?"

"So if you'd like to stretch your legs, now would be a good time -- holy crap!" The plane jerked violently, and the white light filled the cabin. People screamed, and the oxygen masks dropped. Both Sam and Dean reached for theirs, and Dean's eyes were filled with panic. Alex took her mask too, putting it around her face. The lights flickered, and then turned back on. The plane steadied out, and the pilot's voice came back on, telling them it was okay to take off their masks.

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